Rebalancing overpowered logistics bots

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Rebalancing overpowered logistics bots

Post by ctrlaltdel02 »

Make the logistics bots available very late in the game

What ?
Make logistics bots research split from construction bots. While you are able to research construction bots like normally, logistics bots could be researched just after event, for example, instead of sending out in space satellite, you must send bunch of construction bots in rocket to space, and for like 20% chance you get possibility of getting back technology to research logistic bots, after that you can research them with science packs. For upgrades, you must send more logistic bots in space, to unlock next carrying capacity research, which you must research with science packs afterwards. I think it will make them more challenging to get, and later in game, when the base are already heavily dependent on existing belt systems.
Why ?
As an answer to "Friday Facts #224 - Bots versus belts"
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Re: Rebalancing overpowered logistics bots

Post by bobucles »

Uh. They are. The key factor in using logistic bots- the requester chest- requires high tech science. That places bot bases firmly at the end game.

Logistic bots are available earlier because player logistic slots are fairly low tech. Your bots won't be able to do anything else until the final research is unlocked.
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Re: Rebalancing overpowered logistics bots

Post by Koub »

Exceptionnally, I think creating a dedicated topic in Ideas and suggestions for a subject that already has 12 pages in less than 4 hours in the FFF topic is useless and counterproductive. We won't redo the discussion thas has already taken place in the FFF topic here.
If you have to tell what you think of the FFF, and especially if it's about the logibots, I suggest you write it in the FFF topic
I'll lock this topic so all discussion takes place in the same place.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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