I think, they have a great savegame with a great factory to test their patches. In a Friday news, there was anytime a screenshot of their base. And in these savegames must be ALL possibilities build in. Roboports are used by the most of the players. It's a standard feature. In small factories it's maybe not noticeable, but in great factories immediately!yohannc wrote: For you it's not hidden, for them maybe.
Maybe your factory is just to smallyohannc wrote: For me on this version, bots just delivered what i want just when i entered roboport area (via buffer chest). But 15 minutes before, it didn't work. So it depend of the situation.

It is!yohannc wrote: Anyway, I think you are not a developper yourself to say that (because if you where, you would know that you can't always test everycases).
And there, you can add some sort of corruption added by intermediates bugged patchs. So i don't think it's easy as you think.
That's the standard argument, if someone criticize the patch politics. I don't know how many developer or tester Factorio has, but I personally think, that there is just ONE man, that test the whole stuff. The programmer himself. And when u read the news, it will be clear. It seems, it is just ONE man that do the whole stuff. Programming, testing, releasing. The Christmas news said that indirectly, if u read it. One man patched the game alone during Christmas and released it. One man! Can one man test the stuff alone ? No, because some bugs are only noticeable, if a second person check it. Each person play a game different or open / navigate /click / drag&drop different as the first person. U need always more than one person to check a release. Okay, it should be... That's the fault.
Don't misunderstand me, I love the releases, but sometimes they are just headless and to fast released. Maybe the releases will not be tested. Who knows. Maybe it will not be tested and the apologies are just the word "experimental"