Stations & other LTN based designs

Adds new train stops forming a highly configurable logistic network.

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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Kamuchi »

As it's pretty much quiet with designs...

Playing on and off so made a little smelting block while slowly advancing towards building my train network.
Current setup
Each block is modular so you can extend it down as far as you want.

Decided against using waiting bays and limit each station to 1 train, but be able to run multiple load/offload instead while keeping production up through the other smelting blocks.
They are set to provide at >500,000 to avoid trains thinking they can load here, don't remove it or you'll have waiting trains stuck on the timeout!
Smelting block
Same thing with the loading, no waiting, 1 train limit but be able to serve multiple trains at once.
The 3 smelting blocks are using T2 speed modules and the inserters are actually the bottleneck, you could run 3 loading stations (2 input lines from the balancer)
Loading block

I flipped the negative input so you can just use the slider and not forget the "-", the CC is "hidden" right next to the substation
Constant combinator location
Small disclaimer;
I am using Bob's mods, the screenshots are with the green belts and express loaders, the blueprints are downgraded to stock items.
No signals past the station so no train can leave untill the first one enters the main track, but this is just how I have it setup right now.
The images above are for L2-C6 trains, I just finished moving the stops slightly to the right to hold L2-C6-L2 trains so you can run a single rail straight into the base as making a loop just takes up too much space if doing it 20 times.
L2-C6-L2 change
Saw a request about a multiple item loading station, will have that in a couple of days based on this smelter setup while sorting the mess of Bob's ores :)
The book with smelter, loading and complete
Not really efficient, but it will fill up the warehouses befor the next train comes along and that's all what I care about at the moment :-)

If you are just trying to get started, a very basic ore loading station I use for my smelters, serving 2 trains: 1 in the loading and 1 waiting behind it.
Using filter inserters to cutoff loading when amount is on the train and drains the belt, was in the process of making a multi ore station but had to take care of other stuff so didn't get to it yet and left as is...
BP also downgraded to stock.
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Kamuchi »

Double inline LTN modular request station, great for placing between factories when splitting everything up and going big :mrgreen:
Flip the belts&inserters and you have a double inline loading station ;)
Testing with 5 trains
Single block blueprint
The entire x6 setup from the screenshot
** Downgraded to stock blue belts&inserters
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Kamuchi »

MadZuri based LTN provider and requester station for L3-C10-L3 ore trains.
Each station uses 60 chests for a total capacity of 576k.
Provider uses the MadZuri setup and the LTN request signal with filter inserters to prevent accidental loading if not an LTN sent train, like when parking off the mainline to do some maintenance... :roll:
You can reduce the length but remember to change the arithmetic combinator to the new total of chests (*/-chests).

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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Kamuchi »

Might aswel add it to the station thread aswel while at it :D
2 wagon loading station using the LTN request signal and train content signal and an offloading stations to complete it :)

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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

Whitelist signal Filter.
Reducing signals sent to LTN can significantly improve performance.
2017-12-31-16-54-53-4006716.jpg (41.35 KiB) Viewed 17378 times
- This filter will only let signals set to 1 in the constant combinator pass (whitelist).
- Values other than 1 in the cc will cause overflow errors.
- Input and Output have to be green wire.

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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

I want to supply/refill my wall sections with bots, repair packs etc as well as supply it with fluids for the flame turrets.
How do I solve this in best possible way?

I currently have a shared station, but since the threshold have to be low for the items to be delivered, and the oil amount is much higher, I have a lot of small deliveries to them with my oil train.
Should I split the stations or can I solve this with combinators?
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

The cleanest solution is to split into separate stops with roughly the same thresholds,
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

Yeah, I guessed so. I temporary fixed by only having oil supplied.

Is your design in the first posts, or your other thread, performance optimized (or omptimized "enough") according to your latest advices?
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

Slimey wrote:Is your design in the first posts, or your other thread, performance optimized (or omptimized "enough") according to your latest advices?
What do you mean?
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

Optera wrote:
Slimey wrote:Is your design in the first posts, or your other thread, performance optimized (or omptimized "enough") according to your latest advices?
What do you mean?
You suggested whitelists, avoided sending too many signal to train stop etc.
The designs in the beginning of the thread, and your BP-book, do they follow these guidelines?
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

I mostly follow my own best practice guidelines within reason.
There's no noticeable performance gain in filtering from 5 items to 3, but when connecting LTN to a building store filtering down from 100 items to 10 certainly is a good idea.
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

Oh, I see. It´s a solution for the extreme situations.

I use your BP-book, or my own design, but I try to avoid connecting them to the logistic network.
It´s easy to get carried away and try to make LTN do more than it´s supposed to do. It works sometimes, but mostly end up in failure in some way.
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

I haven´t seen anyone share a trash system in this thread yet, so here is my simple solution.


All items in the chest a.k.a trash bin (can also be a requester, buffer, storage) are merged and combined into a fish signal.
This station is then a fish provider station. Threshold can be set to a low amount, or at the default 1k (of combined items in the chest)
When any trains stop and output a fish signal the stack inserter load the contents into the train.

The content is then transported into a fish requester station.
At the requester station you have an inserter emptying the train.

I have only one issue with this setup: Since the train doesn´t get loaded by fish it has to rely on inactivity to depart from the stations.
Easiest setup is to have non-filtered storage chests to gather the trash.
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Ringkeeper »

Slimey wrote:I haven´t seen anyone share a trash system in this thread yet, so here is my simple solution.
I use the provider station from first post in combination with the filter from second post at the depots. Filter your fuel out so you don't have a loop. Now all the stuff that gets dumped at the depot gets picked up by any train that needs to do a delivery to your factory ^^
So no need for a special train, no need for a sorting station etc.

Only thing you should make sure: your depot is a own logistic network for robots...

Station design string for L-CCCC-L, filter set for wood and coal


Code: Select all

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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

That "trash" setup is good, but you won´t have any control over it if you have multiple depots and want to gather your trash at one place.
My setup is a bit more versatile, and can be added to any existing station setups.

I currently bring my trash back to my mall, where they are put back into filtered storage chests. Ores/wood/coal are consumed in a small furnace setup or delivered to other stations.
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by InsaneAI »


I love this mod! Such a cool feature! Makes trains so much better...

That said, I'm having an odd problem. I have managed to get minerals to work on the Logistic Train Network, and I've set up a queue with room for 5 depots. Mixed in among those, I have two trains that have liquid tanks for their cargo. I cannot seem to get them to work. The strange thing is, they were working at first. Until I read up and discovered I needed some combinators to control the signals. So, I got the mineral trains working and shortly after that, the liquid trains stopped. Now, they don't schedule deliveries anymore.

Does anyone have a blue print for a good train 3 vehicles long to handle liquids? So I can compare and see what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any assistance you can give!
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Lemlin »

I assumed that trains at my requester stations output an item signal, I´m almost sure that I even tested this, but that´s not the case now.
Is this a change, factorio bug or only a misunderstanding?
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

Slimey wrote:I assumed that trains at my requester stations output an item signal, I´m almost sure that I even tested this, but that´s not the case now.
Is this a change, factorio bug or only a misunderstanding?
Please keep this topic to designs.
If you have questions search through existing threads or start a new thread with meaningful title.

Your question probably was answered here: viewtopic.php?f=214&t=56270
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by KillerGanja »

Optera wrote:I like when someone comes up with intricate combinator designs to solve a problem.

However I can see my laptop struggling with that design as combinators are not the most performance friendly solution. For that I'm using a 41x1 chest from Wide Chests running along a whole train taking care of balancing in the most performance friendly way.
Alternatively a lot of players use 6x6 Warehouses either from Angel's Addons - Warehouses or Warehousing Mod to have a large chest balanced per wagon.
lperkins2 wrote:The unloaders have exactly the same problem, offer a train with 1020 items, order it to unload 1001 items, watch it empty itself, which will happen thanks to the problem with the loaders loading too much.
I generally set request amounts so there always are some slots free in chests.
Hi Optera,
first of all, I realy like LTN. Though I have a problem with setting it up. But more on this later.
Concerning the balancing problem of chests, a German Youtuber has created quite a neat solution just using vanilla items. Here is the link (you should be ablre to recreate it, just by watching it, as he schows all relevant pictures and setting, but if needed, I can translate the system):

Greetings from Germany
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Re: Stations & other LTN based designs

Post by Optera »

KillerGanja wrote:Hi Optera,
first of all, I realy like LTN. Though I have a problem with setting it up. But more on this later.
Concerning the balancing problem of chests, a German Youtuber has created quite a neat solution just using vanilla items. Here is the link (you should be ablre to recreate it, just by watching it, as he schows all relevant pictures and setting, but if needed, I can translate the system):

Greetings from Germany
Zuri's Train Loader design is over a year old now and still the golden standard for balanced train loading without mods.
You can find it used in several posts in this thread alone as well as in the demo map.
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