To be honest, I had not been aware that fluid handling by trains was so powerful. I simply played the game and took it for what it was. Now that this issue has come up an having thought about it, I can agree that it was very powerful. From that standpoint I can see why the changes were made.
First of, I can see why and don't object to changes, but I don't necessarily agree that it was necessary. Except for pipe mechanics, which I find to be unintuitive, I had no problem with fluid handling. I like a game to be balanced and would most often disagree with changes that provide for overpowered mechanics. Nuclear artillery would be absolutely bonkers. And I even think personal roboports are too overpowered; they are so powerful, they discourage constructing static bot networks. But I never felt this way about fluids. It had to be pointed out to me that it was so powerful and even now I'm not bothered by it. The complexity for fluids for me is in the design of refinery and production sites. Handling fluids in production is, intentionally so, a total pita. The real challenge of this game is logistics of course, not production. So you could argue that 'easy' fluid handling takes away from the true challenge of the game. I would counter argue that the logistics of the game are challenging enough; you can most literally spend thousands of hours to accomplish your own set goals without ever even looking at a mod. Adding extra logistic complexity for fluids does not really add to that in my opinion. To me that feels mostly like complexity for the sake of complexity. If you enjoy that, which is perfectly fine of course, you have the option of modding the game with Bob's/Angel's and other great options. Otherwise, why not leave fluid handling as the easier part of the game?
But okay, besides me arguing that the changes could be 100% reverted without hurting the game, the consensus seems to be that a nerf is in order. Like I said, I would not object to that per se since it was very powerful. The implemented nerf to the fluid wagon is unfortunate and mostly because of the lack of separation. That was a versatile feature that provided extra gameplay options. It is unfortunate that it has been removed. The lowered capacity doesn't hurt much I would say. Expanding the infrastructure to accommodate should not be much of a problem in most cases. But again, not more enjoyable either; just a bit more of the same. Losing the separation feature is a greater loss and I really dislike the removal being used as an argument that it 'buffs' barrels. That could be classified as New Speak. All in all I don't think it was necessary nor do I think that it improves the game, but I could live with the fluid wagon changes.
When it comes to barrels, I strongly dislike the changes. Again I don't really mind the lowered capacity. If most people think a nerf is in order, so be it. But the performance has been reduced by such a great amount that I argue that they have been made close to obsolete, except for those who want to make things more difficult for themselves just for the sake of it. In all but a few rare practical use cases, barrels are now worse than the other options. I would be very hard pressed to come up with a use case where the other options are not better or at the very least would suffice. You could now remove barrels from the game completely and it would hardly make a difference.
The argument has been put forth that the extra complexity required for barrels is worth it because they are more versatile. Well, they are more versatile partly because the other versatility option has been removed, so I don't find it a strong argument. And the versatility they had has been severely reduced because of the lower throughput they provide in transportation. Yes, you can mix fluids in the same inventory, but if you do you have hardly any capacity for each of the different fluids. In most cases you need many inventories for a single type in which case the possibility of mixing is irrelevant. As far as I can tell the only real use case for barrels now is a very low amount over a large, greater than possible by pipe, distance. And there are very few of those use cases in the game. And even those could be handled in other ways, so why even bother with barrels?
Another argument is that it does not make sense that barrels provide better throughput than other options. I agree. But quite frankly, I don't care. The realism argument is lost on me. This is a game and things have to make sense gameplay wise first, realistically second. <wait, let me pull this rocket silo out of my pocket before I continue> Gameplay wise barrels are more complex. The logistics behind them are decently complex. So much so that I hardly ever see anyone do them properly. Most hide or circumvent the complexity by filtering wagons and/or creating oversized buffers for barrels. I would argue that this complexity is the price you pay for their, now decreased, versatility. But with these changes, we have to pay double, because there is also a price in throughput. I say realism be damned; barrels are more expensive, more work and more complex and there has to be an advantage in throughput to make that worth the trouble.
Lastly, bots are extremely powerful with barrels. Yes, they are. Who cares? Bots are extremely powerful, period. They are the OP route in the game. They take more design and planning to do efficiently than a lot might argue, but when you do design well, they are as OP as you can get. I would say that is intentionally so. Bots make finer details simple, but they allow for an insane increase in upscaling. Bots are the reason you can go huge and I am often amazed by what people come up with to make all the logistics work at that scale. Bots make production trivial, but production is not the biggest challenge of the game to begin with. Well designed bot logistics on a large scale is very challenging indeed. And to make that possible they have to be OP as can be. Who cares they can carry a million fluid per second? I don't.
Sorry for the long post. I love this game and want it to be better still. These changes do not achieve that goal in my opinion, so the very least I can do is spend some time to share my thoughts. On with the discussion!