[0.16.11] Factorio locks screen at 60 fps after closing game

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Burner Inserter
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[0.16.11] Factorio locks screen at 60 fps after closing game

Post by Sifu »

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Factorio
2. Quit the game from the main menu (Doesn't matter if I were in a game, it still happens 100% of the time) (Edit: I never tried quitting with alt+F4 or any force quit. I always leave with the main menu quit button)

Now my screen skips half the frames and is noticeable by the screen flickering.
To resolve this issue, each of these methods solved it:
- Unplug/plug monitor
- Turn off/on monitor
- Into windows display options (screen can still be seen at 144hz), set 60hz, then 144hz

I have no mods in Factorio.
I have a 144hz freesync monitor, so I would prefer not to have to set Vsync at on for performance reason.

If requested, I can try filming in slowmo with my phone to show the flickering.

This had never happened before, but I haven't played on 0.16.6 or 0.16.5. Last version I played and this wasn't an issue was 0.16.4.
EDIT: 0.16.7, 0.16.8 and 0.16.11 all still suffer from this issue

Specs (If needed):
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600
GPU: RX 580 4gb
OS: Win 10 Pro (latest version)
Screens: 144hz 1080p using display port, 60hz 1680/1050 using DVI
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:59 am

Re: [0.16.11] Factorio locks screen at 60 fps after closing game

Post by Sifu »

This is still happening everytime I close the game on 0.16.11.
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.16.11] Factorio locks screen at 60 fps after closing game

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however we do literally nothing to tell the GPU what frame rate it should run anything at. All we do to limit frame rate is internally we wait to render the next frame until rendering it would result in 60 FPS. So, I have no idea how what you describe could even be possible.

Since you're literally the first and only person who has reported having this problem I highly suspect there's something else on your system causing this (driver, other software, hardware).
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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