[MOD 0.18] ShinyBobGFX

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by fishycat »

Here the links to Void chest and Loot chest.

Yes, belt buffer has only the one.

Why not put bot replacer to the other chests, all in one line, works like this with only ShinyBobGFX activated.

The purple thing is from AlienWall mod, yeah put it there, why not.

I'll have a look at the furnaceses and maybe tell you later :P

edit: hmm after a look at the furnaces, I'm quite happy with that, looks tidy
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Lines are 10 long at max, so the logistic line of chests is full. I guess I could put at the top with basic chests, though it doesn't make sense as it's not a chest really. I'll pick something and 50% will hate it. =]

Next release will have the void/lootchests/beltbuffer moved. I seem to recall not getting alienwall to load, will try again.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by fishycat »

Yes, the three chests up to the base ones, next to steel-chest.

In AlienWall you also need to change the item.group.lua and the one in items\alien-mats.lua

edit: maybe also the belt buffer next to all chests in line 1, think would be the best
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Optera »

You should remove icon when setting icons in iconchoice.lua.
Having both icon and icons is ambiguous and leads to other mods, namely my lighted poles, picking the wrong icon.

Code: Select all

if powerbar == 1 then
	if entity then 
    entity.icons = {{icon = ipath..complete..".png"},{icon = ipath.."num-"..mk-off..".png"}} 
    entity.icon = nil
	if item then 
    item.icons = {{icon = ipath..complete..".png"},{icon = ipath.."num-"..mk-off..".png"}} 
    item.icon = nil
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Just to make sure I understand what this is doing: When I create a new picture set ICONS, I should clear the old definition so that dynamic mods don't find it by accident? Makes sense, I'll make the change and include in the next update. Thanks for the tip.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Optera »

Zombiee wrote:Just to make sure I understand what this is doing: When I create a new picture set ICONS, I should clear the old definition so that dynamic mods don't find it by accident? Makes sense, I'll make the change and include in the next update. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks. Took me a bit to figure out why I didn't get your graphics since I looked at icon first.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by ElderAxe »

Hi Zombiee I love your shiny mods. With many mods there is an absolute need to organize things.

I've noticed some problems with the latest changes & updates.
Here is the list;

Logistics tab;
logistics.PNG (514.99 KiB) Viewed 8591 times
- brass chest and titanium chest doesnt group with the other chests ( they come with Bob's logistics)
- Artillery wagon MK2 & MK3 shown in this tab instead of bob's logistics tab. Also needs power bars.
- Train stuff grouped with AAI Miners and AAI Hauler
- Buffer storehouse and Buffer warehouse should be grouped with outher warehousing mod buildings.
- chests, mk2 chests and mk3 chests are not ordered properly. mk3's displayed first.
- logistic chests and warehouses ordered differently. The correct order should be Passive, Active, Storage, Requester, Buffer for every group.
- idk if its related to you but the scrollbar has lots of empty space below.
- Bob's warehouses and silos are in the bob's logistics tab. They should be moved to this tab.

Bob's Fluids;
- Maybe move all of these stuff to Water Treatment and Petro Chemical Processing tabs if Angels PetroChem is active.

Intermediate Products, Bob's intermediate Products, Bob's Materials
- These 3 tabs have similar items. They can be grouped i think.
- Wires and solder should be moved to Metalurgy casting tab if Angel's smelting is active
- Silicon, Lithium, rubber etc. should be moved to Petro Chemical Processing if PetroChem is active.

- Bobs bullet magazines and rocket images needs an overhaul. Maybe take some inspiration from qumojo ShinyBob_Icons mod?
dd770dbb2056f7f135e1b137d592eaa21d489633.png (535.92 KiB) Viewed 8591 times
- Artillery Turrets needs power bars.

Resource Refining
- Ore powderizer ( Its a new building i think) needs power bars and color coding

Barreling and Fluid Control
- Underflow valve should be grouped with other valves
- "Flow Control" mod support would be nice if possible
- Maybe move empty barrel and empty cannister to this tab ?
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Whew - I love feedback but that is a lot in one big dose. =]

I'm not sure what to do with some things whether it's useful or annoying. Please, share thoughts on them:

Combat tab:
The combat tab is a mess, but I have it 1/2 done already in terms of sorting things in a reasonable manner. I keep tweaking on it but there is a lot there.

As for coloring equipment so they make sense, I'm torn. They break the pattern I've followed elsewhere but they at least already have color differences established. So far I have not changed the color of any icon that doesn't have a place-able item associated with it that I needed to make match. Would power bars on equipment be enough or should I actually fiddle with the icon itself? Note - I don't love the bold color changes that qumojo makes (on the turrets specifically) so even if I end up changing the colors, it would be ... less.

As for replacing icons wholesale with different GFX entirely, I have zero ability there. I really liked https://mods.factorio.com/mod/bobmods_gfxtweak but it may be dead, I'd got permission in the past to use them so might still.

I dunno, feels odd.

Bob's Fluid:
That's an excellent suggestion. Now that I have a plan with conditional sorting and have finished most of the GFX changes I needed to do, I'll probably do exactly that.

Bob's Intermediate, Materials and Intermediate products:
Yes, these tabs are similar and partially empty and that annoys me but I'm not sure how much I want to change them. The barrels and canisters moving to fluid control makes sense and will probably be done.
The wires and stuff moved to smelting is a maybe. Angel already moved copper wire and I find it awkward. The smelted wires make sense in smelting but I always expect the handcraftable/assembly machine wire to be with the electronics bits. I haven't made any changes there at all because both make sense to me and I cannot decide.
As for the remaining bits, they would make some sense in petrochem/water treatment but I can see myself searching forever trying to find them there. I might move a few where they clearly should be (calcium chloride) but then just consolidate what's left of bob's materials into intermediates so what people remember being grouped together stays together rather than split into 4 different tabs.

Xtra bits:
Most of the other bits are changes I missed and have added to my plans (seen below) but I'll take a look at adding support for "flow control".
The AAII vehicles are something else I'll look into. It's more of AAII stuff being stuck in my train stuff line than train stuff being stuck in AAI vehicles, but I can probably move AAI's stuff. With tanks and cars makes sense to me. Yes?

Feedback is nice, I may not agree and thus ignore suggestions .. but knowing what others think is world's better than working in a vaccuum. More please!

Changes for next ShinyIcon update
- deal with new bob's items (arty wagons, new chests, new logi chests, underflow valve)
- deal with the buffer warehouses for warehousing
- fix the sort order of logistic chests ( that's a mistake from forever ago that I never noticed, thanks)
- probably split warehouses and chests into separate lines. I think there are already 12 things there if you have the right mod set.
- add some conditionals so Angel's silos/warehouses and petro trains go somewhere that makes sense when Angel's logistics tab doesn't exist.
- maybe - combat tab overhaul. ( I have it 1/2 done but I keep making tweaks because I don't love how it looks )

Changes for next ShinyBobGFX
- add power bars to things that are clearly missing it. (Arty turret/wagon)
- possibly add power bars and recolor some equipment items. (Maybe)
- possibly add new combat tab icon GFX (also maybe, possibly, not sure, indecision)

Changes for next ShinyAngelGFX
- adding ore powderizer - it's a rough one to color AND has low and high res so I left it last.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by ViperSixEleven »

Is there a way to change color hierarchy?

I know Bobs mod... No offense intended: A late-game base looks like the interior of a 1984 pimp-mobile. All purple!

My own understanding of this would be rather red-ish for high end and blue-ish purple-ish on the lower end. :-) But tastes are different

Thanks for the feedback!
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

That would be ... hard. Not impossible though.

Current color progression is (grey)-yellow-red-blue-purple-(green) and that carries across ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX as well as a couple of other mods. But I agree, there can be an awful lot of purple in a late game base.

I'm curious, what color progression were you thinking of? I don't promise to do anything about it but I might play with it and see how it feels.

Worst case, if you really want to mix it up, you can rename the files in your local copy of the mod, I think assembly machines are the only thing *might* break.

PS - Yes, I know the green/purple belts are inverted. It's on my list to add a toggle to swap it.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by ViperSixEleven »

I'm curious, what color progression were you thinking of? I don't promise to do anything about it but I might play with it and see how it feels.
Well, for my part, mostly I associate red with a high level. So I think in general it is a good to progress from cold to hot colors. Grey>Blue>Purple>......>Yellow>Orange>Red

Seen a lot of games, I would bet that this would be optimal. (More so on huge bases). Because seeing a big base in yellow has a different impact on the eyes and brain than in purple or blue which is harder to look at for a long time. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by ViperSixEleven »

That would be ... hard. Not impossible though.
How about establishing a single high intesity color and then just change hue for the different tiers? like

(yellow -x = purple)
(yellow + x = red)

I have seen this code somewhere. Let me check tomorrow :-)
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

So .. I fiddled some with the new (and now optional) Bob's tiers of inserters. Here's is my first pass, I'm hoping for some feedback before I make you use them. =]

The darker are normal inserters and the bright are filter. Rows are tiers if you haven't played with the new logistics yet.
There.JPG (46.58 KiB) Viewed 8371 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by xeln4g4 »

Zombiee wrote:So .. I fiddled some with the new (and now optional) Bob's tiers of inserters. Here's is my first pass, I'm hoping for some feedback before I make you use them. =]

The darker are normal inserters and the bright are filter. Rows are tiers if you haven't played with the new logistics yet.
i like them! Finally! The new bob logistic messed my game so bad i had to go back to previous version.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Groovy. I finished up the icons and low res, so will probably update tonight assuming it doesn't crash everything. Still debating making it an optional thing.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

New update - new GFX for inserters and yanked the pipes out because they now appear in Bob Logistics!
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Topic moved to Bob's subforum on author's request with bob's approbation.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by bobingabout »

Muahaha. You are now moderated by bob!

Have a sticky.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Asanda_Nima »


have an error after todays update.:
shiny_bob_error.png (27.6 KiB) Viewed 8240 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

That's both my fault and not my mod erroring. You have ShinyBobGFX which is mine and changes entities and icons. In this case the stack inserter icon image is a larger png and scaled down. You ALSO have ShinyBob_Icons which is not mine. My guess is that mod is loading after mine, trying to change the icon a second time and not re-defining the size.

You probably have ShinyBob_graphics as well? I surprised that you don't have issues there too, since both do recolor entities.

I appreciate the report, but there isn't much I can do to fix it on my end. I'd suggest loading ShinyBobGFX alone ... then load qumojo's and then pick the one you like to play with.

EDIT - I looked a little closer on the differences.
ShinyBobGFX - recolor icons, recolor entities you place, adds some new icons GFX. qumojo's Icons and Graphics have massive overlap doing the same thing
ShinyIcons - reorganizes the sort order of recipes in the crafting menus. qumojo's Menu's have massive overlap here doing the same thing

Suggestions how I can make this clearer to people downloading without being a dick?
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