train signals priority

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train signals priority

Post by LoSboccacc »

when many trains are waiting on the same segment to start the closest train always win the signal race and occupy the segment

this makes far trains on largish station always wait a long time during congestion while train that reached the same segment later but are closest to the exit start first

there should be an improved version of the signal that maintain a fifo scheduling for each segment

currently you can use the circuit network to read the signal status but not to know whether they have a train in wait. if one could at least have that signal, it could make a trigger to force all other signal red while the first to be used clears
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Re: train signals priority

Post by mrvn »

First I'm not sure about your conclusion. I thought it was fifo. Trains leave in the order they stopped at the signal.

You can detect if a train is at a signal by looking at the signal before that. If it is red then a train is present.

And you can set a priority on a track (but not trains, that needs circuits) by using a chain signal on the track with less priority.
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