This makes me think of a very old skech from a French humorist named Fernand Raynaud. I have looked for a translated version, but failed to fail one. I found a blog, however, that summarized the sketch pretty well :JareX wrote:I'm trying to find a word to describe when something wrong is made to seem normal because it is common.... that's what I think is happening here.
Having to "spent the last few days" trying to solve that problem (that shouldn't be a problem, even with a elegant solution) proves that is an unnecesary annoyance, specially for new players that already have a daunting experience with all the factorio features. Every item and asset in the game should work as intended and not to be counterintuitive. The fact that old players are used to those trickery doesnt mean it's normal or the right thing to keep.
(Source).As closing words, let me explain the link between the title and this post : Fernand Raynaud was a french humorist, and one of its most famous sketches, “Le tailleur” (the tailor) was the story of a man coming back to his tailor to complain about a bad suit. Of course, the tailor finds the suit perfect and puts the blame on his customer, who ends up admitting the suit is indeed perfect, once he has put his left shoulder a little higher, his right shoulder a little back, turned his hips a little, and raised one arm slightly…
I don't have the slightest idea about what the blog is talking about, but that's how I feel my relation with the current belt system.
For those who can understand French, here is the full version, from French National Institute of Audio-visual.
I feel that if I have such efforts to do something that I feel should be natural, then the problem is maybe not in me.