On the other hand: Factorio Dev's... they gave us so much, for so little!
To make long story short: Firstly: i'm an intern in shitty firm, so even a Factorio t-shirt is expensive for me (with shipping: $28). For month i get about 1000PLN, equivalent in dollars - 290$

But when i get better salary, i buy at least t-shirt x3, and more keys for friends to spread the word FACTORIO. I feel almost obliged to do so.
Why? Because when big piles of shit like EA just want to milk gamers, we need to support our precious Lords and Saviors, Dev's.
Secondly: Wee need to fck them (Main target EAAAAA) up really hard as a gamers, . I think most of you know what's up, if not really- go watch YongYea on Youtube.
Deep analysis and stuff. I recommend two videos titled: "EA Details (Insufficient) Changes to Battlefront 2's Rewards System" and "EA CFO Claims People Don't Like Linear Games As Much Anymore".
Even if you know what's up, but you are not up-to-date, it's good to watch these Game News Vlog stuff.
It is a royal battle between us and big greedy AAA publishers. FOR THE HORDE XD
Sory for bad grammar, as you can probably tell with the currency - PLN, i'm from poland, english is my second language.