Please add a setting to show the amount of an item you have in your inventory.
- 110 assembler2 in main inventory
- 40 assembler2 in toolbar
- 49 assembler2 on cursor
A) (current behavior) 49 : shows amount of items you are holding in the cursor stack.
B) 199 : show the amount of all the items you can use/place..
Option in settings: current stack amount vs total amount
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Option in settings: current stack amount vs total amount
I agree that it is misleading to only display what you have in your cursor, instead of altogether.
However, I am against having a setting B, which always only displays what you have altogether, because then, you have no easy way of finding out how much you have in your cursor.
Therefore, I think i t should always display both. In your example, it should always just display "49/199".
However, according to Factorio Friday Facts #191, your suggestion may be redundant anyway by version 0.17 with the GUI update, because then, you will not store any more actual items in the toolbar. They will only be shortcuts. If the same is true for the cursor, then your suggestion will be redundant. However, the FFF seems to imply that, in contrast to the toolbar, what is in the cursor can still be actual items, not just a "ghost". In that case, your suggestion will not be redundant.
Personally, I think it would probably be best if the cursor also only contained shortcuts/ghosts and not actual items.
However, I am against having a setting B, which always only displays what you have altogether, because then, you have no easy way of finding out how much you have in your cursor.
Therefore, I think i t should always display both. In your example, it should always just display "49/199".
However, according to Factorio Friday Facts #191, your suggestion may be redundant anyway by version 0.17 with the GUI update, because then, you will not store any more actual items in the toolbar. They will only be shortcuts. If the same is true for the cursor, then your suggestion will be redundant. However, the FFF seems to imply that, in contrast to the toolbar, what is in the cursor can still be actual items, not just a "ghost". In that case, your suggestion will not be redundant.
Personally, I think it would probably be best if the cursor also only contained shortcuts/ghosts and not actual items.