As nuclear fuel takes really long to run out and might last longer then your car/tanl/train is placed it would be nice to not loose an entire fuel cell on removal.
One way to do this is:
turn nuclear fuel into an item with a % amount like repairpacks and science packs.
give nuclear fuel a used% like science packs
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: give nuclear fuel a used% like science packs
I like this idea.
Re: give nuclear fuel a used% like science packs
That's part of the balancing of the fuel
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Re: give nuclear fuel a used% like science packs
round 2:
@modrators: move this to ideas/requests for mods pls
I understand, why you choose not to have it in vanilla.
@modrators: move this to ideas/requests for mods pls
I understand, why you choose not to have it in vanilla.