I like buffer chests

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I like buffer chests

Post by golfmiketango »

ILikeBufferChests.png (1.2 MiB) Viewed 999 times

I've been trying to make factorio robots do this without dedicated robotic networks since maybe my second or third day of factorio gameplay. And I tried hard. I Googled. I built combinator contraptions. I used train-cars and cars as buffers... I could go on. I never managed to find a solution that didn't suck. The working solution was always to stop screwing around and create an isolated network anywhere I needed an intermediate buffer along any robotic logistics fulfillment pathway.

I keep trying to ask myself, any time I find myself doing an annoying chore in 0.16 "should I still be doing this annoying task now that there's buffer chests?" Surprisingly often the answer seems to be: "hell no, you've been doing that as a work-around for no buffer-chests."
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