I have the Bug that i can not Target any Object

It's doesnt make Fun when i can build but not Destroy
iam not the op but i have the same problem and YES, that solves it, as soon iam on the top right position of anything i need to click on it starts taging the object!Loewchen wrote:Does it work with the player in the top right position of the furnace (you'll have to wiggle around a bit)?
Not for meLoewchen wrote:Does it work with the player in the top right position of the furnace (you'll have to wiggle around a bit)?
i can confirm that with alt tabbing (i am on mac however) out and back to the game its possible to tag everything in the game until i start moving my character, then its impossible again but your trick works with standing on the top right of an object to tag everything again. i do not use overwolf tho according to that other thread.Loewchen wrote:Could all of you check against: 54644.
Exiting OverWolf solved the problem for me. Oh OverWolf how I hate thee, let me count the ways...Loewchen wrote:Could all of you check against: 54644.