PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Hey people i have some tiny idea for pure sand
To extract quartz ore from pure sand
Recipe - 20 pure sand to 1 quartz ore + 10 rich dust + 3 gravel in classifier
To extract quartz ore from pure sand
Recipe - 20 pure sand to 1 quartz ore + 10 rich dust + 3 gravel in classifier
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Hi kingarthur, neeed ur help pls
i installed pyanodon fusion energy mod and got this error, there're mod-list with error i must this error is strange for me
i installed pyanodon fusion energy mod and got this error, there're mod-list with error i must this error is strange for me
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 1463
- Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:39 am
- Contact:
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
ya im got sometime today so im messing with it and i just found that error also. pyanodon forgot to create a file so it crashes on the fact that it doesnt exist.aklesey1 wrote:Hi kingarthur, neeed ur help pls
i installed pyanodon fusion energy mod and got this error, there're mod-list with error i must this error is strange for me
im let him know asap
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
RSO not working on PYFE with its resources so i'll test PFR - Pretty Fair Resources mod, to watch for new resources generation
And i think we need to add molybdenum to refining system of angel's refining - get from stiratite, rubyte and bobmonium in their crystal pure form - end stage of refining
And i think we need to add molybdenum to refining system of angel's refining - get from stiratite, rubyte and bobmonium in their crystal pure form - end stage of refining
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 1463
- Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:39 am
- Contact:
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Ya idk. between the holiday and basically working from Friday afternoon till Monday morning with a 5 hours each day to nap and eat an all that its going to be a few days before i have a chance to play with pyfusion. i will take a look at molybdenum and see how much its used before i make a decision as i want to make sure its not just another ore made the same way as all the others. i want to do something that is a bit different and suitably complex.aklesey1 wrote:And i think we need to add molybdenum to refining system of angel's refining - get from stiratite, rubyte and bobmonium in their crystal pure form - end stage of refining
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Damn i saw its some hard to add molybdenum into angel's refining system
there is such concept which is called at Arch666Angel "angels-void" - so what its means i can't fully understand for now, i just tried to look into angel's refining mod? nmay be i need to look into infinite ores too
So how to undertand which product we'll have on exit? All so tricky
there is such concept which is called at Arch666Angel "angels-void" - so what its means i can't fully understand for now, i just tried to look into angel's refining mod? nmay be i need to look into infinite ores too

Code: Select all
type = "recipe",
name = "angelsore-chunk-mix5-processing",
category = "ore-sorting",
subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
energy_required = 1,
enabled = "false",
allow_decomposition = false,
normal =
ingredients ={
{type="item", name="angels-ore3-chunk", amount=2},
{type="item", name="angels-ore5-chunk", amount=2},
{type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
expensive =
ingredients ={
{type="item", name="angels-ore3-chunk", amount=3 * rawmulti},
{type="item", name="angels-ore5-chunk", amount=3 * rawmulti},
{type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-void", amount=1},
order = "i[angelsore-chunk-mix5-processing]",
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
From the (very) little I understand about how Angel does his stuff, those void thingies are placeholders. Somewhere there is a function that detects what ores-metals should there be and then it'll replace the voids with those ores-metals. Any void that is left over will be ignored and not shown/used in-game
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Its interesting - there're no dependency for angel's infinite ore's, but angel's infinite ores have dependency for angel's refining has no dependency for angel's infinite ores, i thought bob's ores are written in angel's infinite ore's, where there is a replacement ores to the desired?
May be here?
This is the data.lua for angel's infinite ores
Code: Select all
"name": "angelsrefining",
"version": "0.8.1",
"factorio_version": "0.15",
"title": "Angel's Refining",
"author": "Arch666Angel",
"contact": "",
"homepage": "",
"description": "With AngelsInfiniteOres it adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.",
"dependencies": [
"base >= 0.15.10",
"? rso-mod >= 2.3.3",
"? bobplates >= 0.15.0",
"? bobrevamp >= 0.15.0",
"? Yuoki >= 0.4.0",
"? UraniumPower >= 0.6.4",
"? Nucular >= 0.2.0"
May be here?
Code: Select all
if not angelsmods then angelsmods = {} end
if not angelsmods.ores then angelsmods.ores = {} end
if RsoMod then
angelsmods.ores.enablersomode = true
angelsmods.ores.enablersomode = false
angelsmods.ores.yield = settings.startup["angels-infinite-ores-yield"].value * 15
angelsmods.ores.oilyield = settings.startup["angels-oil-gas-yield"].value * 1000
data.raw.resource["crude-oil"].minimum = angelsmods.ores.oilyield
data.raw.resource["crude-oil"].normal = 100000
angelsmods.ores.fissureyield = settings.startup["angels-fissure-yield"].value * 1000
angelsmods.ores.loweryield = settings.startup["angels-lower-infinite-yield"].value
angelsmods.ores.enablefluidreq = settings.startup["angels-enablefluidreq"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteiron = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteiron"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitecopper = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitecopper"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitestone = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitestone"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitecoal = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitecoal"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteuranium = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteuranium"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore1 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore1"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore2 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore2"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore3 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore3"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore4 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore4"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore5 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore5"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteangelsore6 = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteangelsore6"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobbauxite = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobbauxite"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobcobalt = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobcobalt"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobgems = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobgems"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobgold = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobgold"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteboblead = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteboblead"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobnickel = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobnickel"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobquartz = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobquartz"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobrutile = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobrutile"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobsilver = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobsilver"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobsulfur = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobsulfur"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobtin = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobtin"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobtungsten = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobtungsten"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitebobzinc = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitebobzinc"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteyuoki = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteyuoki"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteuraniumpower = settings.startup["angels-enableinfiniteuraniumpower"].value
angelsmods.ores.enableinfinitedarkmatter = settings.startup["angels-enableinfinitedarkmatter"].value
if angelsmods.refining then
if not angelsmods.components and not (bobmods and bobmods.plates) then
if bobmods and bobmods.ores then
if data.raw.resource["y-res1"] then
if data.raw.resource["uraninite"] then
if data.raw.resource["tenemut"] then
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
upd2: remove molybdenum from game config and prevent generation on map as separated resource
Code: Select all
-- Overriedes: molybdenum ore
if data.raw.item["molybdenum-ore"] and angelsmods.refining then
data.raw.resource["molybdenum-ore"]["autoplace"] = nil
data.raw["autoplace-control"]["molybdenum-ore"] = nil
--TIER 3
name = "angelsore2-crystal-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore2-crystal", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
name = "angelsore4-crystal-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore4-crystal", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
--TIER 4
name = "angelsore2-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore2-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
name = "angelsore4-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore4-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=2} }
name = "angelsore5-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore5-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
type = "recipe",
name = "slag-processing-mol",
category = "crystallizing",
subgroup = "slag-processing",
energy_required = 8,
enabled = "false",
ingredients =
{type="fluid", name="mineral-sludge", amount=50},
{type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2, probability = 0.36},
icon = "__MOD__/graphics/icons/slag-processing-mol.png",
order = "a-a [slag-processing-up]",
type = "recipe",
name = "angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing",
category = "ore-sorting",
subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
energy_required = 1.5,
enabled = "false",
ingredients =
{type="item", name="angels-ore2-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore4-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore5-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
{type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount = 4},
icon = "__MOD__/graphics/icons/angels-ore-mix-mol-sorting.png",
order = "c-i-g[angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing]",
{type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "slag-processing-mol"}
{type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing"}
-- Infinity ore patches
if angelsmods.ores and angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteuraniumpower then -- TO DO: change to molybdenum ore settings
if not angelsmods.ores.enablersomode then
type = "autoplace-control",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
richness = true,
order = "b-e"
type = "noise-layer",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore"
type = "resource",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
icon = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/icons/ores/molybdenum.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
minable =
hardness = 1.5,
mining_particle = "stone-particle",
mining_time = 3,
results = {
type = "item",
name = "molybdenum-ore",
amount_min = 1,
amount_max = 1,
probability = angelsmods.ores.loweryield
collision_box = {{ -0.1, -0.1}, {0.1, 0.1}},
selection_box = {{ -0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
autoplace =
control = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
sharpness = 1,
richness_multiplier = 1500,
richness_multiplier_distance_bonus = 30,
richness_base = 500,
coverage = 0.02,
peaks = {
noise_layer = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
noise_octaves_difference = -1.5,
noise_persistence = 0.3,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 1,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
noise_layer = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
noise_octaves_difference = -2,
noise_persistence = 0.3,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 0,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
influence = 0.15,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 0,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
stage_counts = {1},
stages =
sheet =
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
hr_version = {
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/hr-molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
scale = 0.5
map_color = {r = 0.294, g = 0.45, b = 0.643},
type = "resource",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
icon = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/icons/ores/molybdenum.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
minable =
hardness = 1.5,
mining_particle = "stone-particle",
mining_time = 3,
results = {
type = "item",
name = "molybdenum-ore",
amount_min = 1,
amount_max = 1,
probability = angelsmods.ores.loweryield
collision_box = {{ -0.1, -0.1}, {0.1, 0.1}},
selection_box = {{ -0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
stage_counts = {1},
stages =
sheet =
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
hr_version = {
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/hr-molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
scale = 0.5
map_color = {r = 0.294, g = 0.45, b = 0.643},

upd: add angelsinfiniteores partupd2: remove molybdenum from game config and prevent generation on map as separated resource
Last edited by ZlovreD on Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
TY for explanation ZlovreD, but i don't agree wih recipe? its must be end-game ore which can be got from pure ores i think - 2 pure saphirte + 2 pure rubyte + 2 pure crotinnium
Its strange - straight getting of molybdenum is working, but mix sorting not working
I added this code into data-final-fixes to PyCoalTBaA
Its strange - straight getting of molybdenum is working, but mix sorting not working
I added this code into data-final-fixes to PyCoalTBaA
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
I just started to acquainted with pY mods, so you can easily change it to pure chunks. But i think 3 different chunks plus catalysator to get raw ores is fair enough (as others recipes do), or you can scale it up to 6 chunks + catalysator for 5-6 ores and etc..aklesey1 wrote:its must be end-game ore which can be got from pure ores i think - 2 pure saphirte + 2 pure rubyte + 2 pure crotinnium
Code: Select all
type = "recipe",
name = "angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing",
category = "ore-sorting",
subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
energy_required = 1.5,
enabled = "false",
ingredients =
{type="item", name="angels-ore2-pure", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore4-pure", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore5-pure", amount=1},
{type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
{type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount = 4},
icon = "__MOD__/graphics/icons/angels-ore-mix-mol-sorting.png",
order = "c-i-g[angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing]",
Both work well for me. Keep in mind that the recipe "slag-processing-mole" has a non-linear production, but the probability of obtaining a result "amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2, probability = 0.36". And yes, it may be or must be balanced.aklesey1 wrote:Its strange - straight getting of molybdenum is working, but mix sorting not working
Yes, above "angelsmods.functions.OV.execute()" line.aklesey1 wrote:I added this code into data-final-fixes to PyCoalTBaA
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
ZlovreD now mixed processing with slag working but they's no slag as by product - crystal chunks sorting now works as pure chunks sorting
Thre must be some way to add slag back to fix this issue
Here's all my code from data-final-fixes.lua
Thre must be some way to add slag back to fix this issue
Here's all my code from data-final-fixes.lua
Code: Select all
--if not aaiindustry then aaiindustry = {"aai-industry"} end
if mods["aai-industry"] then
-- Overriedes: molybdenum ore
if data.raw.item["molybdenum-ore"] and angelsmods.refining then
data.raw.resource["molybdenum-ore"]["autoplace"] = nil
data.raw["autoplace-control"]["molybdenum-ore"] = nil
--TIER 3
name = "angelsore2-crystal-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore2-crystal", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
name = "angelsore4-crystal-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore4-crystal", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
--TIER 4
name = "angelsore2-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore2-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
name = "angelsore4-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore4-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=2} }
name = "angelsore5-pure-processing",
ingredients = { {type = "item", name = "angels-ore5-pure", amount= "+1"} },
results = { {type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount=1} }
type = "recipe",
name = "slag-processing-mol",
category = "crystallizing",
subgroup = "slag-processing",
energy_required = 8,
enabled = "false",
ingredients =
{type="fluid", name="mineral-sludge", amount=50},
{type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2, probability = 0.36},
icon = "__PyCoalTBaA__/graphics/icons/slag-processing-mol.png",
order = "a-a [slag-processing-up]",
type = "recipe",
name = "angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing",
category = "ore-sorting",
subgroup = "ore-sorting-advanced",
energy_required = 1.5,
enabled = "false",
ingredients =
{type="item", name="angels-ore2-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore4-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="angels-ore5-crystal", amount=1},
{type="item", name="catalysator-brown", amount=1},
{type = "item", name = "molybdenum-ore", amount = 4},
icon = "__PyCoalTBaA__/graphics/icons/angels-ore-mix-mol-sorting.png",
order = "c-i-g[angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing]",
{type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "slag-processing-mol"}
{type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "angelsore-crystal-mix-mol-processing"}
-- Infinity ore patches
if angelsmods.ores and angelsmods.ores.enableinfiniteuraniumpower then -- TO DO: change to molybdenum ore settings
if not angelsmods.ores.enablersomode then
type = "autoplace-control",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
richness = true,
order = "b-e"
type = "noise-layer",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore"
type = "resource",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
icon = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/icons/ores/molybdenum.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
minable =
hardness = 1.5,
mining_particle = "stone-particle",
mining_time = 3,
results = {
type = "item",
name = "molybdenum-ore",
amount_min = 1,
amount_max = 1,
probability = angelsmods.ores.loweryield
collision_box = {{ -0.1, -0.1}, {0.1, 0.1}},
selection_box = {{ -0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
autoplace =
control = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
sharpness = 1,
richness_multiplier = 1500,
richness_multiplier_distance_bonus = 30,
richness_base = 500,
coverage = 0.02,
peaks = {
noise_layer = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
noise_octaves_difference = -1.5,
noise_persistence = 0.3,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 1,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
noise_layer = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
noise_octaves_difference = -2,
noise_persistence = 0.3,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 0,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
influence = 0.15,
starting_area_weight_optimal = 0,
starting_area_weight_range = 0,
starting_area_weight_max_range = 2,
stage_counts = {1},
stages =
sheet =
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
hr_version = {
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/hr-molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
scale = 0.5
map_color = {r = 0.294, g = 0.45, b = 0.643},
type = "resource",
name = "infinite-molybdenum-ore",
icon = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/icons/ores/molybdenum.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
minable =
hardness = 1.5,
mining_particle = "stone-particle",
mining_time = 3,
results = {
type = "item",
name = "molybdenum-ore",
amount_min = 1,
amount_max = 1,
probability = angelsmods.ores.loweryield
collision_box = {{ -0.1, -0.1}, {0.1, 0.1}},
selection_box = {{ -0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
stage_counts = {1},
stages =
sheet =
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
hr_version = {
filename = "__pyfusionenergy__/graphics/entity/ores/hr-molybdenum-ore.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
frame_count = 8,
variation_count = 8,
scale = 0.5
map_color = {r = 0.294, g = 0.45, b = 0.643},
-- hide recipes with "angels-void" or "slag" as main product
for name, recipe in pairs(data.raw.recipe) do
if recipe.main_product == "angels-void" or recipe.main_product == "slag" then
log("hide " .. name)
data.raw.recipe[name].hidden = true
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
- ZombieMooose
- Filter Inserter
- Posts: 289
- Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2015 7:23 am
- Contact:
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Will you post this mod on the portal when it's more stable?
"men will literally learn everything about ancient Rome instead of going to therapy"
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 1463
- Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:39 am
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Its pretty much stable now. other than adding the molybdenum ore to angels nobody's reported any issues yet with pyfusion. im going to get moly added and then get it up on the mod portal. as long as there are no technical issues it should be up in the next 12 hours.diongham wrote:Will you post this mod on the portal when it's more stable?
- ZombieMooose
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
Oh hey awesome. Looking forward.kingarthur wrote:Its pretty much stable now. other than adding the molybdenum ore to angels nobody's reported any issues yet with pyfusion. im going to get moly added and then get it up on the mod portal. as long as there are no technical issues it should be up in the next 12 hours.diongham wrote:Will you post this mod on the portal when it's more stable?
"men will literally learn everything about ancient Rome instead of going to therapy"
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
PCTBAA has been updated to include optional dependancy on pyfusion. also fixed that aromatics and benenze was seperate items
Now on the mod portal
Now on the mod portal
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
WUT???kingarthur wrote: also fixed that aromatics and benenze was seperate items

Ouch... u want to systematize everything and reduce these gases to a common denominator? And how about angel's natural gas? How it can interact with aromatics and vice versa?
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
well benzene is one of a number of gases that are considered aromatics so i decided to just make them all benzene. and natural gas is basically just methane gas and a bit of ethane gases and angel already has an entire process setup to be able get natural gas and refine it. so other than taking out the aromatics from it aka benzene theres not much else i can see that needs done to it.
Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
I did one small change in ur mod for my self when it was 0.0.3 - i changed petroleum gas to residual gas for py recipes - why? Bcuz angel's petrochem forced to use methane gas instead of vanilla petroleum gas in py recipes
How do u like it? Use methane to extract ash and sulfur??? its stupid
I think we can create icon for petroleum gas and retrn it back to game, we just need to repaint its icon from icon for residual gas - let it be white and black - i using Photoshop very bad so my skills there is poor, may be someone can repaint icon?
My opinion is that the petroleum gas can be in game with all py and angel's resources
How do u like it? Use methane to extract ash and sulfur??? its stupid
I think we can create icon for petroleum gas and retrn it back to game, we just need to repaint its icon from icon for residual gas - let it be white and black - i using Photoshop very bad so my skills there is poor, may be someone can repaint icon?
My opinion is that the petroleum gas can be in game with all py and angel's resources
Nickname on ModPortal - Naron79
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch
uh im not sure. biggest issue with bring petroleum gas back is just making sure theres enough uses for it to be worth the effort. angel took the gases and went and broke them down to their more base chemicals. if nothing else ill look into setting it up as an optional mod config setting.