Zoom levels

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Zoom levels

Post by Ntropy »


Congrats on such an awesome game.

I would like to suggest some ideas about the zoom levels available ingame, previously mentioned in FFF-204 and talked about in the corresponding forum post.

In FFF-204 it is mentioned that the zoom factor has been slighty changed in order to achieve a perfect 2:1 zoom, useful to perfectly see all the new HR graphics, however, I have been testing the zooming system, making captures and measuring pixels, and the 1:1 zoom (F9 default) seems correct to me, (the distance between 2 parallel contiguous belts is 32 pixels), however, I can't set exactly a 2:1 ratio in order to see all the HR entities pixel perfect; if I hit zoom in seven times from 1:1 zoom, the distance between identical belts is 62 pixels, ¿should not be it 64 pixels?

I think it would be useful to have a key to set the zoom level to exactly 2:1, similar to F9 to set 1:1, now that almost all entities are going to have HR graphics, and maybe the HUD could show the zoom % for a couple seconds when you use zoom in / zoom out, to see if we are playing in a "good" ratio that improves quality

Also, currently right now, there are 12 zoom-in levels below 1:1 ratio, and 13 zoom-out levels above the 1:1 ratio (26 zoom levels total), the biggest zoom seems to be 0.25 ratio, and the smallest zoom is 3.125 ratio, maybe an idea is to reduce the number of zoom levels and use only "easy" ratios, for example: 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3
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Re: Zoom levels

Post by Bilka »

The zoom change is a 0.16 feature and not implemented in 0.15 which is why you can't zoom to 2 using your mouse wheel. If you are taking screenshots or just want to experiment with player zoom in general, just use game.player.zoom or the zoom parameter of game.screenshot. Since getting accurate zoom is so easy when you actually need it, I don't think changing the zoom percentages is a good idea. Additionally, your proposed zoom levels are much further apart, making zooming less smooth. The zoom level can also be seen in the F5 debug overlay, so I dont think it needs to be shown if that is turned off because it's never necessary to be known during normal gameplay.
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Re: Zoom levels

Post by Ntropy »

Hi Bilka,

I don't understand what you mean when you say that zoom change is no implemented in 0.15, when I can change it now, is it going to be a different kind of zoom on 0.16?.

You are right regarding screenshots, i use the "/c game.take_screenshot{<parameter>=<value>,...}" command, i was just asking if it would be possible when playing that the current zoom level of "almost x2" would be exactly x2, as the FFF-204 said, however, if it is going to be a 0.16 change, that is just superb.

Than you for the F5 debug overlay, didn't know that!

It is true that my proposal of reduced fixed zoom percentages is going to make progressive zooming much less smooth, maybe it is better to leave the zoom in/out keys as they are, but be able to assign keys to fixed values of zoom that apply zoom directly without progression, for me, hitting F9 to go back to default zoom in progression, is kind of slow.
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Re: Zoom levels

Post by QGamer »

Ntropy wrote:I don't understand what you mean when you say that zoom change is no implemented in 0.15, when I can change it now, is it going to be a different kind of zoom on 0.16?
If I understand it, FFF #204 is talking about changes coming for version 0.16--which hasn't been released yet. So right now you're still stuck with the old zoom.
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Re: Zoom levels

Post by Ntropy »

QGamer wrote:
Ntropy wrote:I don't understand what you mean when you say that zoom change is no implemented in 0.15, when I can change it now, is it going to be a different kind of zoom on 0.16?
If I understand it, FFF #204 is talking about changes coming for version 0.16--which hasn't been released yet. So right now you're still stuck with the old zoom.
I tought that change was referencing the current version, no problem in waiting till 0.16
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