If you create a checkerboard of opposite facing single Gates it becomes quite noticeable, you get stuck on unopened Gates as you turn. It happens occasionally in normal play and is pretty annoying to lose speed or potentially damage/destroy the Gate in vehicles.
Half Bug, half feature request: Change the detection method for gates opening to be conical instead of rectangular in front of the player, to account for turns (whatever angle/width is necessary). The gates are not doing what they are supposed to do (open before you hit them).
Here is a short clip I uploaded of it in action:
You can see walking into the gates when turning, and the Tank also doing damage.

Edit: see it was moved to feature requests, welp guess it'll probably never be seen. I think it is important that this is changed as the current implementation is flawed. The point of the post wasn't that they should take my suggestion at all, just that they knew it was flawed.