Wow, cliffs!
Wow, Bagger 288!Proxy wrote:Bagger 288...
Such wow...
Wow, Bagger 288!Proxy wrote:Bagger 288...
Totally agree (and a fan of the in-game way), hence my suggestion - in order to landfill somewhere, you should need to dig somewhere else. Also, like lakes, the cliffs are obstacles on the way to progress. So why not connect those? Cliffs seem perfect for that purpose. Why not make you mine the cliff wall down, then dump it to the lake to "landfill" it (or to crates for storage for later use)? You shouldn't exactly be able to change water to land out of thin air, or disintegrate a whole section of cliff without a trace.PacifyerGrey wrote:While I really love cliffs I should definitely point out that player should be able to deal with them either on map generator level or by in-game tools.
Factorio is all about great scale designs late game and cliffs being permanent entities will definitely mess with big bases.
Landfill was introduced to deal with water being in the way of our hero engineer and what tools will our hero have to deal with cliffs?
So I do agree on a requirement to turn their density/completely off in map generator as well as introducing in-game tools to flatten the landscape. This might be some late game tech but it should be there.
Sure thing in early game a player can do nothing with them apart from using underground belts (which will be a pain as well due to short reach distance of a player.
Exactly my thought. It's simple but still effective. And looks great.Dev-iL wrote:The cliffs look really nice! Reminds me of good old C&C:
And tunnels I hope, at least for trains - it would be quite hard to manouver the railway placing between two sides of a cliff (or a ravine for that matter).tk0421 wrote:so, does this mean we will get bridges?
and if so, will bridges be able to be placed elsewhere away from cliffs?
would an underground belt at a cliff tunnel out of the face and transition to a normal belt?
so many questions.
Same, I don't see the gameplay value in cliffs. I hope i'm wrong, wait and see.Faerindel wrote:Count me in the "not so excited" camp.Landscaping hasn't been a major part of Factorio and don't think it's needed to be.