Add ship wreckage to starting area in New Game
What ?
Add the wreckage and parts of the ship crashed that we see in first mission of the campaign to the area around the player when starting the more open and often used "New Game" option.Might as well be a toggle in generating a map options so players can go with it or not as they wish.
Probably also either make them destructible or mineable - so we can clear the area for the glory of industrial gods. The "mineable" option is better I think - could provide player with literally a few steel and copper plates, maybe an electronic circuit or two (after mining all the parts, so not much - after all, that is wreckage). Should be hard to mine too, as this isn't a "make it easier" option, just flavor, so you'd need better tools or just stand there quite a moment chipping away with the iron toothpick. Heck, you could actually take the tools you have at the start of the game in your inventory from that wreckage.
Why ?
1) It makes sense. After all, we are playing pretend that we crash-landed on this planet and starting to build. So crashed in what, how?2) Those are some pretty graphics that for many players are only seen ONCE through the multitude of hours sink into the game. They are great, why not use them?