Here are some additions that would be interesting to have for the management of a server with LUA.
Currently to have a moderation equivalent on a server, we must give the rank of admin to a player. Even if one can disable certain command, it would be non-constructive to private the owner of the server of any command to contain the potential abuse of power of a lambda player.
Could we have something like this:
game.console_command (player_index, command, parameters)
- Contains
player_index :: uint (optional): The player if any.
command :: string: The command without the preceeding forward slash ('/').
parameters :: string: The parameters provided if any.
And since we are talking about adding commands to the API, here is a small additional list:
- To be able to read all the settings of the game. (Like the name, description or authorized player limit): Just useful for information in the game
- Show server date: Useful for logger