[Cybersecurity] Hacked.

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[Cybersecurity] Hacked.

Post by GoldenPorkchop80 »

So, recently, one of my alternate email accounts got hacked.
Some guy in Turkey decided that it was a good day to preform a cybercrime, so he breached my email, and gained access to it.
As soon as this happened, Google picked up on the suspicious login attempt, and immediately suspended the account.
30 minutes later, I was watching YouTube, and I got a text telling me what happened.
I instantly went into panic mode, and I bring out what I like to call, E.A.P.K. (AKA: Emergency Alternate Password Kit). The reason why I have this is because I use one password for most of my accounts online, which any sensible person should never do. Ever.
I pull it out, and I change my password for most of my important accounts. So far, I have not had another security breach.
I was lucky in this circumstance, because:
  • There was nothing important on that email
  • The Google account was not connected to anything else
  • Google instantly picked up on the phony login attempt
  • I was notified within a reasonable amount of time
  • I secured all of my important accounts extremely quickly without problems
  • I had a backup plan
As you can see, this entire event relied on a lot of luck, and next time, I might not be so lucky. This was just one breach, on one account, on which nothing important was on it. I want to emphasize how f*cked I would be, if there was anything different

I want this to be a learning experience not just for me, but for everyone else on this forum. This is scary stuff. People are out to get you online, whether it's intentional, or "accidental", and they have every power to do so. Please, take the time now to secure your online accounts NOW. If the provider offers 2-step auth or SMS alerts, enable them both. This will greatly reduce the chance of a successful breach into your accounts. If you use one password for most or all of your online accounts, please take the time now to start making unique passwords for all of your accounts. If one of your accounts IS hacked, immediately contact the provider's help line, customer support hotline, account support center, or fraud & account breach prevention hotline. Quickly tell them which account was hacked, and try to verify your identity with them, along with anything else they tell you to do. They will try their best to restore your account.
Please don't take this lightly. This is real, and all of this really happened. Stay safe.
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