[0.15.34][SOLVED]Bots on strike - idling instead of working

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[0.15.34][SOLVED]Bots on strike - idling instead of working

Post by Masamune00 »


What did you do?
I was playing in MP in a vanilla server and decided to do a beautiful blue circuit production setup by using bots, so I placed the bp, a robotport and everything needed for the bots to work, but they decided to go on strike.

What happened?
Bots decided not to leave the roboport whereas they could, instead they went on strike and decided not to work as usual but only do one task every 5-10minutes.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Bots should listen to their master and work instead of staying in the robotport.


I have finally encountered a mysterious bug :
You can check by yourself the bug by loading the savefile :

Go to where I was on the gif. The bots won't do anything and wait multiple minutes( 5min ? 10min ? I don't know exactly how long, but not just 30s ) before ever working again (they work only once then come back in the robotport, wait a few minutes, then they go back to do one task then come back in the robotport...and so on, I saved a few minutes after I encountered the beginning of the bug) :
https://gfycat.com/fr/gifs/detail/Gener ... sButterfly

What I checked of reasons which could be explain this or what I tested to solve it :
-No bots are flying and doing other tasks in the robotport area
-The robotport is isolated (not linked to another robotport which could explain some far bots are coming to do it)
-Removing the robotport/content of yellow/red chests and replacing it didnt solve it.
-Electricity is full (accumulators are full)
-The robotport is fully charged
-The bots have the mats needed to build
-Removing the red chest to place it next to robotport (didnt solve it)
-Removing the robotport and placing it another location (like a few square aways didnt solve it)
-The construction/logi bots are in the robotport doing nothing
-Vanilla game
-loading the savefile in SP, didnt solve it.

Fortunately, I did a save while continuing playing so it can be reproduced with the savefile (the savefile is like 5-20 minutes after I wonder what is going on and finally decide to make a save).

EDIT : Someone in discord told me to "hey did you try to put the red chest right next to the roboport cause that always work for me" (which didn't solve it, but the issue is at least not isolated I guess, I have played a lot this game and never encountered this bug ever before)
savegame of this bug
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Last edited by Masamune00 on Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.15.34]Bots on strike - idling instead of working

Post by Jap2.0 »

Do you have a lot of ghost throughout your world? I believe that may be the problem, because there was an alert saying there were 601 buildings missing the material for construction. How bots work is that the game cycles through a certain number of the ghosts per tick to see if there are the items for them. If you have an extreme amount of ghosts without items, it may take quite a while before it cycles around to that ghost and sees that it has the materials.
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Re: [0.15.34]Bots on strike - idling instead of working

Post by Rseding91 »

Jap2.0 wrote:Do you have a lot of ghost throughout your world? I believe that may be the problem, because there was an alert saying there were 601 buildings missing the material for construction. How bots work is that the game cycles through a certain number of the ghosts per tick to see if there are the items for them. If you have an extreme amount of ghosts without items, it may take quite a while before it cycles around to that ghost and sees that it has the materials.
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Re: [0.15.34]Bots on strike - idling instead of working

Post by Masamune00 »


Indeed, seems like it was the issue, I removed some ghost on the save and the bots started working again. Interesting, I didn't know about this small detail..

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