Roboport area size override

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Roboport area size override

Post by Escadin »

For the sake of compact factories and dealing with the pitfalls of robot AI it would be great to have an override setting similar to stack size but for roboports.

How it works
Roboports get the same override interface as inserters, but with 2 inputs instead of one. One for logistic network, the other for construction network. Both can be set through circuit signals.

The input number will be used as the new radius for the respective network provided by this roboport. Yeah I know it's a square so it's actually half the horizontal / vertical diameter. Or in other words the number of tiles / chunks the area will expand into each direction.

This would allow us to easily separate networks where they are, have multiple networks next to each other along the main bus, use local networks for assembly, etc and all of that without accidentally connecting the roboports tasked with wall repair. There are countless applications especially since the smaller a network the better due to how Robot AI works.
Just imagine you can stand in your base, place a blueprint or deconstruction and the reason your personal bots do the task as expected is not because your base doesn't have a logistic network or it doesn't have construction bots but because the entire factory isn't cluttered with unwanted, overlapping construction networks.

Plus there will be no need for new models, recepies, crafting UI- and inventory clutter as opposed to adding several roboport structures for logistic and construction in different shapes and sizes.

Options this produces
You could allow circuits to set horizontal and vertical diameters individually in order to create other network area shapes than square. A long but thin supply line up your main bus carrying solid fuel back to the trains for example.

You could also allow this override to exceed default network size. The new boundaries for bots would be their speed and accu charge. This could potentially be unlocked by a new research (including infinite research) allowing huge factories to use huge networks if desired.
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