[15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

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[15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

Post by Meppi »

As discussed in this thread, the automatic cropping of beam sprites causes head, body and tail to misalign, due to changing the rotation center.
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Re: [15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.

Code: Select all

flags = { "no-crop" }
in the sprite/animation definition. See for example "defender-capsule"
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Re: [15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

Post by Meppi »

Ah thanks, the distractor-robots lightning beam uses the same workaround though. :)
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Re: [15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

Post by eradicator »

It would be pretty awesome is this kind of barely-known flag and some off the other oddities of prototype definitions were as well documented as the rest of the http://lua-api.factorio.com/ . Google finds only one thread (another bug report) that even mentiones "no-crop" at all. :?
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Re: [15.35] auto-cropping of beam sprites makes them misalign

Post by Bilka »

eradicator wrote:It would be pretty awesome is this kind of barely-known flag and some off the other oddities of prototype definitions were as well documented as the rest of the http://lua-api.factorio.com/ . Google finds only one thread (another bug report) that even mentiones "no-crop" at all. :?
That documentation is about the control stage, not the data stage, sadly. For a barebones documentation of the data stage (prototypes etc) see the wiki: https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype_definitions . That's also where I'll add the flag. The prototpyes currently cannot be automatically documented from the game code, which is why there is no good documentation. I already annoyed Rseding by asking for it over and over :lol:
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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