Development and Discussion

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by pezzawinkle »

chadsteam wrote:My previous factories used the fluid splitters to evenly distribute many of the gases and fluids from Angel's mods. Especially when using slurry setups to generate ores. Does anyone have recommendations on how to split flows of fluids evenly without the 2-way and 3-way splitters?
check valve circuit connected to a pump, or combinators on check valves if you want to get fancy would be my working plan for that
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by pyanodon »

Arch666Angel wrote:Image
Love that farms. They look modular and well organized. :) Cant wait to know your plans with all that vegetables.
pY Coal processing mod
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by mexmer »

pyanodon wrote:
Arch666Angel wrote:Image
Love that farms. They look modular and well organized. :) Cant wait to know your plans with all that vegetables.
they look like lot of new pain in logistic and bioprocessing :D
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by foodfactorio »

hehe, if vegetables are planned, that could maybe also lead into vegetable / cooling oils
= possible fuel, oils and gas
and possible extra food for the o-sushi cooking mod :)

Edit: i meant to say "cooking oils" above, but actually, maybe oils could also be used for cooling. (if applicable to something)
(also me from the mod portal - im not dustine lol) = ... ssion/9108
my 1st Mod Idea :) viewtopic.php?f=33&t=50256
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Northgate »

Arch666Angel wrote: Image
I am very much looking forward to dive into that, whatever it's gonna be. :D
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by TRauMa »

For anyone else curios what changed in the last slew of updates, here's my own version of a changelog:

0.5.15 to 0.6.1

New liquids:
bisphenol a

New recipes (crafted in, unlocked by):
cumene process (advanced chemistry, advanced chemistry 4)
In: 50 each benzene and propene, 20 oxygen, blue metal catalyst
Out: 60 each phenol and acetone, catalyst carrier

bisphenol a (advanced chemistry, advanced chemistry 4)
In: 60 phenol, 40 acetone, 20 hydrochloric acid
Out: 100 bisphenol a

phosgene (chemistry, chlorine processing 3)
In: carbon, 60 carbon monoxide, 40 chlorine
Out: 100 phosgene

hydrochloric acid to sodium sulfate (chemistry, chlorine processing 3)
In: 60 salt, 40 sulfuric acid
Out: 70 hydrochloric acid, 30 sodium sulfate

resin 3 (chemistry, resin 3)
In: 20 each bisphenol a and epichlorhydrin
Out: 30 liquid resin

glas (actually rubber) (chemistry, unlock missing)
In: 25 each bisphenol a and phosgene, sodium hydroxide
Out: 4 rubber

sodium hydroxide to sodium sulfate (chemistry, sodium processing)
In: 60 sodium hydroxide, 40 sulfuric acid
Out: 40 sodium sulfate, 60 purified water

Changed recipes:
nitric-oxide (nitrogen monoxide)
create purified water instead of water

salt water electrolysis
require purified water instead of water

New icons (or icon names?)
Add underflow valve
Fix steam glitch gfx for valves
add missing "hidden" flags
remove solid-plastic-1 to -3, solid-trinitrotoluene

0.3.11 to 0.3.12

Reorder casting results
Fix missing productivity module limitations (steel roll -> steel plate etc)
Add missing water void recipes for coolant
Give small prod bonus to advanced casting recipes
(160 to 140 molten steel per roll, 80 to 70 molten gold and copper per gold wire coil, ...)
Change nickel smelting to chemical furnace

Refining and infinite ores
0.7.26 to 0.8.1 and 0.6.11 to 0.7.1
Angel's ore gfx moved from infiniteores to refining
Add proper clean fluorite sorting (advanced ore refining 2)
Double chance of fluorite crystallizing (to 0.2)
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by jocrafter2012 »

Should this be possible with the help of some mods (mainly yours similar things worked in 0.14.x to but this is 0.15.x)? I mean the creation of plastik without using anything but power a greenhouse and a way to get water?
Factorio Plastik from Water 0.15.34.PNG
Factorio Plastik from Water 0.15.34.PNG (882.15 KiB) Viewed 10366 times
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Arch666Angel »

Chemical Plant Reskin
TRauMa wrote:For anyone else curios what changed in the last slew of updates, here's my own version of a changelog:

0.5.15 to 0.6.1

salt water electrolysis
require purified water instead of water

New icons (or icon names?)
Add underflow valve
Fix steam glitch gfx for valves
add missing "hidden" flags
remove solid-plastic-1 to -3, solid-trinitrotoluene
Thanks for the expanded changelog, but where did you get the salt-water-electrolysis thing?
jocrafter2012 wrote:Should this be possible with the help of some mods (mainly yours similar things worked in 0.14.x to but this is 0.15.x)? I mean the creation of plastik without using anything but power a greenhouse and a way to get water?
Yeah that's the bio-processing way to get early bio-plastics, you wont get it in masses but it is meant as a supplement to your regular production.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Termak »

Cool looking chem plant, the old ones looked bit off middle of other petrochem stuff.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by aklesey1 »

Arch666Angel wrote:Image
Chemical Plant Reskin
Oh it looks sooooo nice i want assemblers reskin and reskin for oil refinery
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Zyrconia »

Do we need chemical plants? Can't seem to remember the last time I used one (except for vanilla).

I know that they are better, but I always use the advanced ones because their base speed syncs up better with petrochem. Plus, I don't need two buildings doing the same thing...
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Neemys »

Zyrconia wrote:Do we need chemical plants? Can't seem to remember the last time I used one (except for vanilla).

I know that they are better, but I always use the advanced ones because their base speed syncs up better with petrochem. Plus, I don't need two buildings doing the same thing...
Yes and no all recipe using chemical plant can use other building, some only the advanced chemical plant. But this advanced chemical plant is bigger so I do use normal chemical plant as I mostly play space restricted game.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by BlakeMW »

One thing I find strange in refining is the yield of crystallizing to Uranium and Fluorite.

This yields at 5% Uranium + 20% Fluorite compared with 40% + 40% (or 40% + 20% +20%) for all other crystallizing recipes. This means you get Uranium at 25% the normal rate and Fluorite at 50% the rate compared with other crystallizing recipes.

The strange part is the yield is not so strongly penalized by other means. When you get Uranium from sorting Bobmonium or Stiratite you get it at 100% the normal rate (no penalty compared with other ores), while when you get it via combining recipe you get it at 50% the normal rate. Fluorite cannot be obtained via normal sorting, but using the combining recipe you get it at 50% the normal rate.

This places getting Uranium via crystallizing at a very strong competitive disadvantage - and also you really feel how bad the crystallizing recipe is if you try and get a useful amount of uranium from it. It also makes it a poor way to get Flourite, as you don't get a useful amount of a secondary ore.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by ukezi »

that is from the nulear reactor mod. The uran was very rare on the map, but with crystallizing you could easily get enough to sustain yourself, so the rate was reduced to make it harder.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by chadsteam »

Angel, I don't understand why resin 1 requires blue science tech but to make blue science requires resin. I'm happy to chop trees until I can get oil and gas online to begin automating board production. I've never been a fan of the "automatic" tree farm, given that oil and gas is easy to access. I like the changes to resin being similar to plastic with tech levels. But I don't understand why we are limited now to only trees for resin until we are midway into blue science. Liquid resin 1 should be a recipe available in green tech oil and gas, like plastic "wood" boards.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by BlakeMW »

I'm also bothered by the tech requirements for resin 1 - though technically a green beaker tech the green catalyst requirements are much higher - you can technically make green catalyst at green tech by using hydro refining + sorting of crotinium to get the silver (meaning expanding outside the starting area) but basically it ends up feeing like blue beaker technology level.

Basically use Bob's greenhouse = be happy. Not use Bob's greenhouse = suffer. I'm also not a big fan of Bob's greenhouse but resin 1 requirements makes it awfully tempting to use.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by chadsteam »

BlakeMW wrote:I'm also bothered by the tech requirements for resin 1 - though technically a green beaker tech the green catalyst requirements are much higher - you can technically make green catalyst at green tech by using hydro refining + sorting of crotinium to get the silver (meaning expanding outside the starting area) but basically it ends up feeing like blue beaker technology level.

Basically use Bob's greenhouse = be happy. Not use Bob's greenhouse = suffer. I'm also not a big fan of Bob's greenhouse but resin 1 requirements makes it awfully tempting to use.
Yes, on the whole, resin 1 is a really cool recipe. Smelting requires tons of O2 (producing H and N byproducts) and Lime produces CO2 as a byproduct. I had all these chains setup to take the excess hydrogen, nitrogen, and CO2 off of my smelting and washing area and convert them to urea and formaldehyde...until I realized silver was the limiting factor.

Crotinium could be a possible solution...but on top of the excessive build to extract trace amounts of silver, crotinium chunks main products are copper and lead, two resources already overproduced in a humming green science factory.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try to build that out and just store the excess ores. I'll leave this post up for Angel as I still think a future update should update the resin 1 recipe to be more green science friendly.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by DreadIron »

Hey guys,

what is in full suite of angels mods? I ask because some of mods are outdated :)
And one more question... Is it good idea to play marathon settings? Is it balanced?

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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by Rue99 »

DreadIron wrote:Hey guys,

what is in full suite of angels mods? I ask because some of mods are outdated :)
And one more question... Is it good idea to play marathon settings? Is it balanced?

Not quite sure about your first question - most people play with all of Angels mods - I can't enjoy the game without Petrochem any longer, which is a shame in a way as it means other mods like Pyanadon's coal mod languish unused.

I prefer to play Angels/Bobs/SpaceX/AAI with expensive recipes and 10x more expensive research. Gives each of the tiers of smelting time to shine, and it requires you to scale up. Try it - I think you'd really enjoy the slower pace of the game.
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Re: Development and Discussion

Post by eberkain »

Rue99 wrote: I prefer to play Angels/Bobs/SpaceX/AAI with expensive recipes and 10x more expensive research. Gives each of the tiers of smelting time to shine, and it requires you to scale up. Try it - I think you'd really enjoy the slower pace of the game.
I like that idea, but what about biter evolution?
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