Uranium ore processing and red rocks should not have a random component, instead they should have a fixed yield.What ?
Both uranium centrifuges (ore processing) and one type of red rocks have a random element to them. The centrifuge sometimes spits out U235, and the rocks give 25-50 stone+coal.Given that natural uranium has a very specific ratio of U235 and U238, it would make sense for them to also give those products at a very specific rate based on that ratio. Ideally this would be two separated progress bars showing each separate result, but this could also be achieved with the use of an intermediate product (a "nugget" of U235) that can then be crafted into an ordinary piece of U235. This would not make enrichment invalid, since the ratio is incredibly far from what you want when running a reactor and weapon-based consumption fluctuates.
For red rocks, the addition of min/max yield feels tacked on more than anything. I can't think of a good reason that they don't just drop 30 of each, other than to be somewhat interesting whenever you happen to find them.