Furnace switch based on belt being backed up

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Furnace switch based on belt being backed up

Post by Bimme »

I can only imagine someone has already designed it, but I can't find it here, on Reddit or anywhere else. If someone can help me, it would be much appreciated :-)

What I want is a switch for multiple furnace arrays of 70 electric furnaces, loading to an express belt.

1: If no Iron Ore is coming in, then switch off
2: Iron at exit is backed up and not moving, then switch off
The above two I can do myself!
But with addition of the next ones I get confused.
3: I don't want an array to constantly switch on/off within microseconds, rather have a 10 sec delay or even a 60 sec delay on both on and off (1 sec would be ok)
4: Let's say I have 8 blue belts with Iron. Sometimes I use all iron from all 8 belts, sometimes only from one of the belts. When only using What is the same as one belt can offer, then 7 arrays shut down, each by 10 sec delay.
When suddenly going from 1 to 8 full belts throughput, then those 7 arrays switch on, one by one with 10 sec delay each.

P.S. Thinking of it, if iron consumption can be determined and used to turn on/off the exact needed arrays, then would be even better

Hope someone has some ideas or links to previous posts


P.P.S. If in wrong subforum, then feel free to move :-)
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Re: Furnace switch based on belt being backed up

Post by Bauer »

#3 is realively simple:

Say you have a wire with A=1 if the array is not needed. Now you want to delay for 600 ticks until is switches off.
You connect the A=1-signal to a decider combinator that has its input connected to it's output set to "if A=1 output 1B". Also connect a constant combinator to the input with 1 B. This will count Bs as soon as (and as long as) your exit-condidtion (A=1) is met.
Connect the output of that arrangement to the power switch set to B>600 for 10 seconds.

#4 is tricky the way you describe it. What about the following idea:
-- Sort all outputs into a large buffer.
-- Make sure that the buffer is loaded evenly (see viewtopic.php?f=193&t=23125)
-- Use an S/R latch (see viewtopic.php?f=193&t=14556) to switch the complete furnace array on and off.
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Re: Furnace switch based on belt being backed up

Post by ratchetfreak »

Sounds more like he has a mixed smelting setup where he wants to cut off the input for stuff that isn't needed, aka if iron is backing up then shut off the iron ore to the smelter and let copper take over the smelting capacity.

with a buffer that is possible, if buffer is >75% turn off input for that (leave enough room for items in flight to go into the buffer. if buffer <10% then turn it back on (leave enough in the buffer to tide you over until the ore gets through the smelters). SR latch to hold the on-off state when it's between those values.

Instead of all input lines switching at the same time you can tweak the values for each line so that they turn on one by one
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