Applying doppler effect to sounds emanating from trains

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Applying doppler effect to sounds emanating from trains

Post by Karakaz »

I have no idea how difficult it would be but it would be really cool to have the doppler effect applied on sounds emanating from trains dynamically. The pitch would need to be dynamically adjusted based on the relation to the player.

Engine sounds, ambient train sounds, horn etc. would sound so awesome with the effect and it would be more attractive to make these kinds of mods :)
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Re: Applying doppler effect to sounds emanating from trains

Post by GoldenPorkchop80 »

Very interesting idea. I'd like to actually have the effect also occur from things like tanks and cars. Would add another element of realism to the game.
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Re: Applying doppler effect to sounds emanating from trains

Post by Zanostra »

I happend to notice the doppler effect when walking bij de laserbeams from Klonan's construction drones mod.
And I wondered if it was my imagination.
Turned out that it was not.
The only mention of it that I could find is in the update notes of version 0.18.2
The ability to turn off the Doppler effect in Lua, used for the Substation so far.
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