When trains facing chain signal at the blue state they should recalculate their way, using the path with lesser distance from chain signal where the train is to signal/chain signal on the ways.What ?
At now trains wont recalculate their way facing blue chain signal even if there is a free way that can lead them to it destination. They will just stop and wait until their initial way become free.
So I'm thinking that if train facing blue chain signal it should recalculate his way an choose a path that:
1) Can lead him to final destination
2) I think a lot about which one of free path should train choose, should green color be more prior than the blue one and come to conclusion that the train should choose a path with shortest path from blue chain signal to another signal/chain signal.
In this example train should go by the 3rd way:

3) What if path is even at both ways? Then train should use his basic path finding, but it shoudnt consider all the blocked paths.
Why ?
I think that it will be a nice feature, it will fit and make more better railroads that having a lot of trains on way.P.S. I checked mod Smarter Trains( but it is not making them smarter in way that I'm asking in this topic.