Is this above assumption correct? And if so, do I have an alternative for finding some select entity types in a very dense field of irrelevant ones (example below)?
Sample (and pseudo-ified) code of the sort of implementation I assumed:
Code: Select all
public void getEntitiesOfTypeWithinAAAB(AxisAlignedBB area, List list, IEntitySelector condition) {
for (Entity e : this.entityList) { //<-- note the iteration across all entities, not just ones matching the condition
if (e.boundingBox.intersectsWith(area) && (condition == null || condition.isEntityApplicable(e))) { // <-- here a null condition is basically no name or type specified
Code: Select all
blood-particle 71597 neutral
item-on-ground 151 neutral
behemoth-biter-corpse 17 neutral
blood-fountain 8 neutral
medium-biter-corpse 26 neutral
big-biter-corpse 85 neutral
big-worm-corpse 5 neutral
small-biter-corpse 25 neutral
small-spitter-corpse 2 neutral
smoke-explosion-particle 4630 neutral
explosion-remnants-particle 160 neutral
orbital-bombardment-crater 8 neutral
biter-spawner-corpse 9 neutral
huge-worm-corpse 4 neutral
spitter-spawner-corpse 2 neutral
big-spitter-corpse 14 neutral
orbital-bombardment-shockwave 3 neutral
orbital-bombardment-explosion 8 neutral
orbital-bombardment-firing-sound 2 neutral
orbital-manual-target-secondary 2 player
dead-grey-trunk 4 neutral
orbital-manual-target-effect 1 neutral
medium-spitter-corpse 3 neutral