Grid Lines

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Grid Lines

Post by CHR15 »

There should be a grid line option that adds grid lines. I am getting tired of having to hover over every power pole in order to place anything that requires electricity and this would help a lot for this and other things.
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Re: Grid Lines

Post by Koub »

Can you develop ? Whenever I try to place something that needs electricity, if a power pole is in reach, the power pole is highlited, and there is the area of effect of all power poles around that's displayed in transparent blue.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Grid Lines

Post by Celsus_Trueword »

Koub, in case "Can you develop" means "Can you explain further"...

CHR15 is suggesting that grid-lines on the map would make it easier to place machines the correct distance from power poles just by noticing how many grid squares there are instead of moving the machine around until the power pole becomes highlighted.

A different example: Placing machines 3 spaces apart can be done by placing 3 machines down and deleting the middle one. It would be simpler to notice three grid squares between the machines and just put them in the right place.
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Re: Grid Lines

Post by darkfrei »

You can enable grid lines (and cursor coordinate position) by pressing F5 - F4
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Re: Grid Lines

Post by Koub »

Ooohhhh ok I see :) I had misunderstood "grid" for "power grid" as OP spoke about power poles :mrgreen:
Now the post does totally make sense to me, and indeed, you can activate tile grid display if you whish in the debug (F4, get in the first tab, and check show-tile-grid)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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