I would like to make the following request:
The entity prototype of resources returns the new field:
normal_resource_amount :: uint [Read-only]
maximum_resource_amount :: uint [Read-only]
Basically the same as the data is defined in the data prototype from lua.
Also I noticed the field minimal_resource_amount :: uint [Read-only] seems to be wrongly calculated.
When I set in the game the resource.amount to 1500, the infinite iron ore (from Angels infinite ores) shows to have 100% yield, but the minimal_resource_amount returns me the value 7500 for this resource. (Even so I see that 1500 is correct as set in the data.lua file.
Thanks and cheers
[CLOSED] normal_resource_amount for entity prototype
Re: [CLOSED] normal_resource_amount for entity prototype
As I saw with factorio 0.15.33 these fields are now available and work as expected.
You can resolve this thread. Thanks!
You can resolve this thread. Thanks!