rotate storage tanks on placement

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rotate storage tanks on placement

Post by ichVII »

make tanks rotate every time you place one to allow run-placing them.

What ?
After you place a tank, the tank in your hand is rotated. Thus, if you run and keep your mouse button pressed, the tanks conncect to each other.
Why ?
Becouse i like placing stuff while running across and I guess so do others. It works good for undergound belts and pipes, why not for tanks?
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Re: rotate storage tanks on placement

Post by nljr »

I wish there were more customization options with tanks. I find it's sometimes a bit of a pain keeping things clear of the unused connections and I feel like I'd be better off if I could build a tank without them.

But autorotating would be a nice thing to have half the time. The first 3 tanks I build are usually all oriented the same direction, for the 3 products produced by a refinery.
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Re: rotate storage tanks on placement

Post by ichVII »

I am Aware, that sometimes you do not want them to rotate, but i think the times you want them to rotate are more.

Alternativley, you could make that an Option to choose for the Player in Settings, or sth like placing them while Holding a certain button pressed (R maybe)?
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Re: rotate storage tanks on placement

Post by Factoruser »

This would be even better than the automatic direction change of underground belts and pipes.

When you want to place tanks always with the same orientation, you'll use blueprints anyway. Any option for this is superflues.
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