Pollution only affects evolution if absorbed by spawner

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Pollution only affects evolution if absorbed by spawner

Post by usafphoenix »

My suggestion is that evolution be adjusted so that only the pollution absorbed by the actual spawners progress the evolution of [all biters / local biters only]. Items such as modules, or game strategies that promote clean energy, or clearing out bases strategically will add to gameplay strategies. Or the game could have a menu option that global pollution affects evolution regardless (the way it currently is).
But personally, i think it'd be more realistic if only the pollution absorbed by spawners added to the biter's evolution. this could incentivize players to attack spawners early on (besides the fact that early attacks are generally easier), but biter bases undiscovered and left alone that absorb too much polution may became a big problem for a factory that is producing too much polution...this can be combated by things like modules, clean energy, or even things like air filters or a machine to reduce pollution. in a radius similar to the gun turret. filters must be made, imported, and replaced or they'll stop functioning. machines could be made that only function in an area that has a low pollution level.

for game balance, the global evolution of all biters on the map can progress as pollution is absorbed by spawners near a player's factory, which if the player then decides to destroy all biter nests in their immediate vicinity, that still promotes the increase in evolution---but with the change in that the player now must decide: is the increase in evolution from destroying this spawner better or worse than the pollution it's absorbing and the hassle of dealing with attacks worth it?

This may work best if biter bases evolved differently than they currently do.
the way pollution works is on a global level. If, instead, nests closer to the pollution evolved faster than those that are only being affected by time (and tweaks would have to be made to have this impact be sufficient enough to warrant biter-base clearing or clean energy research)....i think this sort of change to the game could really add a lot. (sorry if my explanation wasn't very good).
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Re: Pollution only affects evolution if absorbed by spawner

Post by usafphoenix »

so you have your factory in an early stage and it's producing pollution,
you are next to a small lake and a forest which helps reduce that pollution, but there are also a few biter nests that are evolving rapidly due to the pollution they are absorbing....do you attack them now, and add the "destroyed spawner" evolution bonus to the rest of the biters nests, or do you ignore it for the time being? :)
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Re: Pollution only affects evolution if absorbed by spawner

Post by aober93 »

Perhaps adds more sense to the pollution removal mods.
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