PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

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PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

Under Maajor Reconstruction. see post for explanation: viewtopic.php?f=190&t=51967&p=435831#p435831

Like Pymods? Wish it worked with X mod?

Well now they do

Introducing the PyCoal Touched By an Angel Compatibility mod

PyMods lacks compatibility with a number of mods. issues range from game breaking to simply items sharing names and not usable between mods.

the PyMods Compatibility patch attempts to fix issues with the Py suite working with:
- Angels mods
- Madclowns angels extension
- Omnimatter
- Bioindustries
- Deadlock Stacking for PyMods.

Have a mod you want to use with PyMods and its not on the list. make a post on here and let me know which one it is and ill look into it asap.

Q&A is always ongoing as i play with the mods and see how the balance feels every step of the way.

please feel free to comment with any issues or concerns you have. also feedback on balance is much appreciated.

Link to mod portal page

Link to github ... is%3Aissue
Version .4 of patch contains moly fix
(10.81 KiB) Downloaded 486 times
PCTBA update for Pycoal aai-industry conflict
(3.47 KiB) Downloaded 498 times
Pycoal Angel Patch v.2
(2.74 KiB) Downloaded 385 times
Pycoal Angel patch
(1.85 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
Last edited by kingarthur on Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:30 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by foodfactorio »

cool kingarthur,
the other day i was thinking of making a post about a new mod that we need, which would be a "Universal Recipe Converter" mod :)

i will post the idea on the mod idea section, with a link here, but it sounds like you may have done just the thing? though i still have to try it out to see.

the main idea behind the Universal Recipe Converter mod, is essentially as follows:
- the URC (universal recipe converter) mod, just has 1 or 2 new building entities, which can convert things.
- people can have different mods installed
- the mods do not necessarily have to be designed with cross-compatibility in mind, for every mod, instead they can just be unique in terms of items if it makes it easier for modders to release new mods more quickly.
- and then people can simply play the different mods, and post a quick request (with some discussions etc) on the Universal Recipe Converter mod, to request a new recipe for the URC mod, to help make some resources more usable in other mods.

for example:
does Angels Mod make lots of Crushed Stone?
does pycoal use Gravel?

a request can be made on the URC mod forum page, to allow XYZ of Crushed Stone, to be made into XYZ amount of Gravel

As this type of mod could grow over time, a key design factor would be to lable up recipes with a unique name, for easier searching, and to have probably just 1 new Tab on the Crafting screen, so that people can bring up the list just by pressing the usual "e" key, and clicking on the tab, even if the individual recipe icons didnt allow for hand-crafting, they could just say, "this cant be hand-crafted" etc, but at least people could see what options are available.

then, over time, some more checks and balances could be added, such as putting some research tech requirements into the mix first, if applicable, or tweaking the recipes so that in the case of Crushed Stone becomming Gravel, maybe you get 1 Sand as a byproduct too.

thanks again for making a start, and hopefully this can be the start of something cool on a more Universal mod,...
aka, 1 conversions mod to rule them all :)
(also me from the mod portal - im not dustine lol) = ... ssion/9108
my 1st Mod Idea :) viewtopic.php?f=33&t=50256
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by foodfactorio »

(posted link to idea section)
(also me from the mod portal - im not dustine lol) = ... ssion/9108
my 1st Mod Idea :) viewtopic.php?f=33&t=50256
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by aklesey1 »

Found small serous bug - overriding for syngas to synthesis gas not working in some recipes - still requires PYCP syngas not angel's synthesis gas

Here's recipe with error's
1) PYCP Gasifier:
Recipe More SynGas using oxygen - eror in output - its outputting PYCP Syngas but not Angel's synthesis gas
But recipe calling Syngas works correctly
2) PYCP destructive distillation column
Recipe Hydr0ogen Gas - error in input - requires PYCP Syngas but not Angel's synthesis gas

sodium chloride can be replaced by salt - it is the same resource - just add string in file where all overrides written
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Nexela »

PyCoal does a lot overrides in the data updates stage, To accommodate for this The patch mod will also want to do the updates in the data-update.lua stage.

Additionally the patches should be done using bobs library functions or directly editing the required field in data.raw instead of copying the whole prototype.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Airat9000 »

very goood vork!

please continue - more recipe!
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Airat9000 »

hello idea in fluids in barrell angels barrells
2017-08-19_17-31-03.png (90.75 KiB) Viewed 34106 times
and idea more recipes (hardness) angwes smelting. Can easily produce all this .. it seems necessary to change all this.
2017-08-19_17-37-16.png (519.22 KiB) Viewed 34103 times
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Exasperation »

Nexela wrote:PyCoal does a lot overrides in the data updates stage, To accommodate for this The patch mod will also want to do the updates in the data-update.lua stage.
Seconding this advice.
Additionally the patches should be done using bobs library functions or directly editing the required field in data.raw instead of copying the whole prototype.
They're already using the angel's override functions for pretty much everything, they could use them for this too; the angelsore6-crushed recipe change could be replaced with the following (placed in overrides.lua).

Code: Select all

OV.patch_recipes({ { name = "angelsore6-crushed", enabled = true } })
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Airat9000 »

find bug!

Compressed air is very difficult to obtain without opening 3 technology
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by kingarthur »

Airat9000 wrote:hello idea in fluids in barrell angels barrells
are you unable to barrel those 2? it should have created the recipes to barrel them. i know tar barreling was working for me
Airat9000 wrote: and idea more recipes (hardness) angwes smelting. Can easily produce all this .. it seems necessary to change all this.
ya i havent had much of a chance to mess with those recipes yet they probably will get adjusted at some point
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by kingarthur »

Exasperation wrote:
Nexela wrote:PyCoal does a lot overrides in the data updates stage, To accommodate for this The patch mod will also want to do the updates in the data-update.lua stage.
Seconding this advice.
Additionally the patches should be done using bobs library functions or directly editing the required field in data.raw instead of copying the whole prototype.
They're already using the angel's override functions for pretty much everything, they could use them for this too; the angelsore6-crushed recipe change could be replaced with the following (placed in overrides.lua).

Code: Select all

OV.patch_recipes({ { name = "angelsore6-crushed", enabled = true } })
i have notice and been told a few recipes didnt get adjust so im going to need to do my own data-updates.lua to for that. correct me if im wrong but the only the recipe for angels ore 6 can be data.raw as the other 2 are ones i created and are not mods of old recipes
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Exasperation »

kingarthur wrote:i have notice and been told a few recipes didnt get adjust so im going to need to do my own data-updates.lua to for that. correct me if im wrong but the only the recipe for angels ore 6 can be data.raw as the other 2 are ones i created and are not mods of old recipes
That's correct, the new recipes you created are fine the way they are.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by kingarthur »

mod has been updated check op for new version.

Changelog for 0.0.2

overrides moved to data-updates
syngas overrides fixed on broken recipes
salt is correctly overridden now

Recipes changes
bobmonium crushing reduced to just using override function
bobmonium glass recipe updated from glass recipe 3 to 4 to account for new glass recipe in pycoal latest update

Tech changes
nitrogen prepossessing 1 had prerequisite removed to make it a little easier to get to since compressed air is used sooner

locale file created
bobmonium hand crushing now has English locale

been busy irl so not much has been done for major balance changes yet
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by aklesey1 »

U doing important work, as player i'll test ur small patch, its pleasant that PYCP can work with Angel's mods with ur help :)

Kingarthur, why you have decided to simplify access to Nitrogen processing in this patch? To be honest I'm used to overcoming difficulties and certain conventions in Angel's in PYCP
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by aklesey1 »

Kingarthur, how to fix this error? - conflict with AAI Industry
Why requirements are duplicated?
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by kingarthur »

aklesey1 wrote:Kingarthur, how to fix this error? - conflict with AAI Industry
Why requirements are duplicated?
Would need to figure out what mods have modified the medium electric pole. most likely 2 of them are both trying to add creosote to it the pole at the same time.

easiest way is to deactivate any mods list on that item and reactive them one at a time until the issue shows back up
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by orzelek »

kingarthur wrote:
aklesey1 wrote:Kingarthur, how to fix this error? - conflict with AAI Industry
Why requirements are duplicated?
Would need to figure out what mods have modified the medium electric pole. most likely 2 of them are both trying to add creosote to it the pole at the same time.

easiest way is to deactivate any mods list on that item and reactive them one at a time until the issue shows back up
I think bob's library has functions that are meant to add/replace ingredients that are protected from this behavior.
Might help if your mod and/or mod in question (angel's most likely) would use those. That would create dependency on bobslibrary which might not be desired.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by kingarthur »

orzelek wrote:
kingarthur wrote:
aklesey1 wrote:Kingarthur, how to fix this error? - conflict with AAI Industry
Why requirements are duplicated?
Would need to figure out what mods have modified the medium electric pole. most likely 2 of them are both trying to add creosote to it the pole at the same time.

easiest way is to deactivate any mods list on that item and reactive them one at a time until the issue shows back up
I think bob's library has functions that are meant to add/replace ingredients that are protected from this behavior.
Might help if your mod and/or mod in question (angel's most likely) would use those. That would create dependency on bobslibrary which might not be desired.
its not anything to do with angels or my mod directly. one or more of the other mods he has is the ones messing with it. pycoal adds the creosote to the pole but something else is added a small iron pole and made other changes.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Wildejackson »

AAI Industry adds the iron pole for early game where wood is scarce. I didn't look at the code but I think AAI is using a updated recipe (it has no dependence on bobs whatsoever) and I think py is using one of bob's recipe functions. I think this can be avoided if PCTBA/PyCP load after (ie. soft dependent on AAI). I will experiment when I get home
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Angels Patch

Post by Damgam »

Maybe upload it on
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