Wood chests should be 2x1

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Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by ToasterGod »

A chest type should be 2x1 instead of currently all chests being 1x1 to allow train-to-train inserter tranfers. Wood chests seem like the best candidate for this.

What ?
Because train tracks are on a 2x2 grid it's impossible to transfer items directly between two non-diagonal trains using regular inserters. Currently it can only be done with long-handed inserters, belts, or bots. It's odd that regular sized inserters are excluded from this list.

All chests in the game, wood, iron, steel, and all logistics chests are 1x1. If one of these chest types were instead 2x1 it would enable transferring items from one train to another.
Why ?
Almost everything in Factorio can be implemented modularly. However if there are two train networks, it's currently not possible to transfer items with regular inserters and chests between the different trains. The inserter is the standard way of moving stacks of items in Factorio and should be able to handle this problem. Part of the beauty of Factorio is that there are many ways to solve the same problem, forcing the use of belts, bots, or long-handed inserters goes against this.

Wood chests seem like the best candidate for a 2x1 chest because it would make early game layouts transition into mid game layouts more interesting. Right now there is very little incentive to use the iron chest, it's quite common to just use wood chests until steel chests are available. If wood chests were instead 2x1 it could encourage a faster transition to iron chests as a secondary benefit to allowing train-to-train transfer with inserters and chests. Additionally, wood chests being cruder and having a larger footprint fits thematically with them being low-tech chests.
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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by AileTheAlien »

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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by d3x0r »

https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Atria/WideChests Is probably more what you want, you can put down two steel chests and merge them into one; this will be lowest impact on speed... (they blueprint OK :) )
The equalizer chests have a slow update; and a hundred isn't bad... 1000 chests gets up to 0.2-.3 ms (62 trains path finding is 0.3 on my system for example) still.. the wide chest will be 0 tick penalty; just not sure if they will work well in a blueprint because you have to use a merge tool tomerge them. You can give yourself WideChests-steel-4 as items but when you deconstruct them they become single chests again.

Added another 1000 chests, and tick went up while they were being constructed to 0.5ms; but then returned to about 0.3ms
equalizer.jpg (204.74 KiB) Viewed 3933 times
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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by Shaymes »

i suggestet Container instead chests already i see the Advantage to have a 2x1 or 2x3 chests but actaly chests cant be rotated

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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by quyxkh »

Two tiles of rail will hold a cargo wagon.
Two tiles of rail will hold a cargo wagon.
Screenshot from 2017-09-13 09-39-11.png (194.17 KiB) Viewed 3753 times
I feel ... unclean ... but you can get good use out of this.
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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by Engimage »

I always felt like Factorio storage system lacks bigger storage. Not insane like Warehousing mod but something asymmetrical like 2x3 which would allow different shennanigans because of this size shift.
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Re: Wood chests should be 2x1

Post by mrvn »

You can load/unload a train car to 3 cars as they are 2x2. The major drawback (apart form cars being expensive) is that they don't blueprint. Same as using train cars for trans shipment.

For even more fun you can put cars on a belt and unload train cars onto moving cars.
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