Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

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Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Jap2.0 »

A book can fit inside a universe and a universe can fit inside a book.

This is really, really off- topic, but I thought it would be interesting to see what people would say.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by bobingabout »

The universe is referred to as infinite, even though in a literal sense, it can't be. The term in this case simply means unfathomably large, it is at least known to be larger than what we can observe, Just how much bigger than that is unknown.

A book is limited to a finite size, on top of that is limited by the format of the book, IE, the descriptive nature of the author, There will no doubt be details left unexplained.

So, lets step back. The universe holds he entirety of the book, all of it's information.
The book only holds fragments of the information of the universe.

I'd say the universe is bigger.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Koub »

Every particle of the book fits in the universe, that's kind of obvious
However, every particle of the universe can't be described in a book, except of course if the book IS the universe, wich I assume it's not.

Therefore, universe wins by KO
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Jap2.0 »

However, an author doesn't need to describe an universe in perfect detail; In fact, allowing us to infer things about a universe can make books more exciting. Also, an author can fit multiple universes in one book.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Sigma1 »

The book is bigger in a sense, because you can even fit a multiverse inside one.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Koub »

Sigma1 wrote:The book is bigger in a sense, because you can even fit a multiverse inside one.
But how many books can you fit in a multiverse ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Philosophy- Which is larger: a book or a universe?

Post by Xtrafresh »

When you pick a book up, it is larger than the universe. It holds all possibilities, all permutations of the combined imaginations of you and the author. When you put it down, those possible permutations have collapsed into just one, which will, as described by people posting above me, by definition be smaller than the universe.
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