Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

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Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by pieppiep »

Does anyone have an idea how much raw resources a rocket costs with the full Angels+Bobs mods with all default settings and max productivity modules where possible?

I've started to calculate it with helmod, but there are so much items, it makes the mod slow when the list got to large.
I've also tried to use https://factorio.rotol.me/pack/bobsange ... actoratio/ but it doesn't work when I add a rocket part.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by Zombiee »

It's very time consuming to figure out what you want since there are so many sources of various things depending on how you organize your factory. Do you go for the best recipes and vent/burn excess? Do you refuse to void/clarify/flarestack anything ever? Helmod is indeed your best option short of making something yourself (Foreman kinda, but it has issues with recursion. Yes, the fork does too).

That said, if you just want an estimate. With NO productivity:

1.3 mil Ammonia
75k Methanol
116k Oxygen
11k Sodium Hydrox
315k Chlorine
145k nitrogen
8k plastic
13k silicon plate
12k sulf acid
<10k titanium, tungsten, copper, alum, carbon, gold, lead, tin (all plate)
+ fiddly bits.

How you get to those items branches a lot and you're on your own figuring what can use productivity. Have fun!
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by pieppiep »

I think I'll have to write something myself than.
I already found the Data Raw Serpent mod to log the complete data.raw table in a format I can easily load in C# with NLua, so the next step is to parse and after that figure out how to handle the recursive recipies and multiple paths to make something.
My goal would be to use as less ore as possible.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by Zombiee »

Good luck. Share when you're done if you can. Having done something along the same lines (but much smaller in scope) I would highly suggest you figure out your personal game rules first.

- willing to vent excess liquids/gases?
- willing to warehouse/burn massive amounts of stone/slag/unwanted ore?
- trying to get smallest number of ores total? or least ore using the 6 types as balanced as possible
- ditto gas/oil
- doing as many rockets as possible or doing infinite science

The recursion/multiple paths will be enough of a headache that you'll kick yourself if you don't decide these ahead of time. At the very least, plan your code to handle these, I did neither and basically did it from scratch three times.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by pieppiep »

My current progress,
angelbobrocketpart.png (38.83 KiB) Viewed 5586 times
The more than one recipe needs a way to choose for me what recipe I like the best.
The cannot find recipe for item water and coal is because the program doesn't know yet what the resources are that are minable. I know it's in the type = "resource" and there in the minable, results part, but just haven't made the code for it yet.
There are no numbers yet, that's because I also need to figure out what recipes can have productivity bonusses.

About your points.
- I prefer not to vent liquids/gases, but if I have to I will do that.
- Storing massive amounts will result in non-automation, so I prefer not to do that. Even every 100 hours shooting or burning chests is not really the factorio spirit in my opinion.
- I haven't checked if the size for the 6 ore types are the same. If they aren't I'll probably want to add a 'weight' to the ore so that I run out of them around the same time.
- Haven't thought about this. Probably if you play long enough and/or make a big enough base, setting up mining patches will take more time because oil/gas don't really run out. With bobs modules you get very big speed and production bonusses.
- Only shooting rockets is a waste of space science, so the setup needs to be a rocket, satellite and 1000 times each science pack in a specific time.

My idea about the recursion is this.
1000 item1 -> 1000 item2 + 100 item3
100 item3 -> 100 item1
Then it's the same as
900 item1 -> 1000 item2

My idea about the multiple paths is not completely though out, but I'll probably calculate the cost for each path and then decide which one I use.
The cost for a recipe ofcourse includes the resources, but can also possibly include the energy and/or space needed for it. Haven't decided about that yet.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by Zombiee »

Please keep updating as you go, it's interesting to see someone else's approach. Do you use PetroChemPlus as well or no? I also avoid venting, the challenge of trying to use all the byproducts is 1/2 the fun.

The headaches I was refering to was things like stone/slag which have like 4 paths, or choosing whether to sort refined ore, crystals, chunks or use recipe for pure ore.

Are you planning to manually choose which recipe gets used or have it choose on it's own which recipe gives the best balance of byproducts?
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by pieppiep »

I made some progress, I read the localisation data so that the names are more readable.

When playing a little with the data I noticed some recipies have a result "Something went wrong".
After some debugging and reading the localisation files myself I found for example the recipe "angelsore-pure-mix2-processing" has result "angels-void" with the tranlation "angels-void=Something went wrong".
The recipe is disabled and there's no technology to enable it, so in a normal game there's no problem.
Only problem is I've just realised I have to check if a recipe is enabled or can be enabled by a tech that's researchable.

I've also wasted some time playing the angels+bobs game and finishing it quickly with help of the duplicator chests in the creative mode mod.
Doing so (I haven't got more than the 3rd science in a non-cheating angels+bobs game I think) made me realise it's even more work than I first thought :)

At the moment the data I have is without the PetroChemPlus, also the CMHMod would be nice to include.
Current modlist
Changing the data isn't very difficult.
Add or enable the mods I want to add, enable the Data Raw Serpent mod, start factorio, close factorio, open the factorio logfile and copy the lua table, paste it in the correct place in my C# project.
The program reads the data every time it starts, doesn't take any noticable time.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by Arch666Angel »

All items, recipes, entities and techs are setup in data, even if they are not needed, some of them have the "void" item as placeholder, that's the recipes that are conditionally filled. In data-updates all the checks for other mods run and changes/enables/disables are being done to everything in my mods and some overrides to other stuff. In data-final-fixes most but not all overrides for 3rd mods are executed.
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Re: Full Angels+Bobs rocket cost

Post by foodfactorio »

hehe, i wonder how many extra resources i spent making my base with Angels and Bobs mods :)
i tried to store, or barrel, almost everything, and put it into cascading warehouses as shown here:
(also me from the mod portal - im not dustine lol) = https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Dustine/ ... ssion/9108
my 1st Mod Idea :) viewtopic.php?f=33&t=50256
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