Classes + Extra bodies

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

I've been going through files, and came across this from a mod I was working on for 0.12.

Code: Select all

if not bobmods then bobmods = {} end
if not bobmods.classes then bobmods.classes = {} end
bobmods.classes.players = {}

bobmods.classes.players["bob-player-miner"] = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw.player.player)
    name = "bob-player-miner",
    max_health = 80,
    healing_per_tick = 0.008,
    crafting_categories = {"crafting", "smelting"},
    inventory_size = 60,
    build_distance = 5,
    reach_distance = 5,
    reach_resource_distance = 3.5,
    running_speed = 0.12,
    mining_speed = 0.1,

bobmods.classes.players["bob-player-scout"] = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw.player.player)
    name = "bob-player-scout",
    max_health = 125,
    healing_per_tick = 0.0125,
    inventory_size = 45,
    build_distance = 5,
    reach_distance = 5,
    running_speed = 0.2,

bobmods.classes.players["bob-player-builder"] = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw.player.player)
    name = "bob-player-builder",
    max_health = 80,
    healing_per_tick = 0.008,
    inventory_size = 80,
    build_distance = 8,
    reach_distance = 8,
    running_speed = 0.12,

for index, player in pairs(players) do

for index, player in pairs(players) do
  data.raw.player[].inventory_size = data.raw.player[].inventory_size + data.raw.player.player.inventory_size - 60

    name = "player",

    max_health = 100,
    healing_per_tick = 0.01,

    crafting_categories = {"crafting"},
    mining_categories = {"basic-solid"},

    inventory_size = 60,

    build_distance = 6,
    reach_distance = 6,
    reach_resource_distance = 2.7,

    drop_item_distance = 6,
    item_pickup_distance = 1,
    loot_pickup_distance = 2,

    running_speed = 0.15,

    mining_speed = 0.01,
That last loop is incomplete but was meant to adjust the inventory size based on an edited size from my mod settings, and the final part is just a comment to remind me of the initial values I'm changing away from.

But as you can see, I outlined 3 classes, Builder, Miner and Scout.
I don't think there's a crafting speed modifier in the data stage, else I would have modified that value on the builder, but I think you can give a player crafting speed bonus via scripting.

Anyway. This is from my multiple avatars mod, the idea being you can build additional robot bodies and switch between them, like a fast way of getting to a remote outpost, except you can't take anything with you. During the progress of that mod I actually changed to just using multiple versions of the same player body, but was having issues with the load/save and logging off a multiplayer stuff. This is a problem that was able to be solved in 0.13, and someone else made a mod for that before I could finish mine, so I shelved it.

Back in 0.12, whatever body you were in was classed as your body, so when you logged off a multiplayer game, that body disappeared with you, and your original body was left in the game idle, what should happen is that you switch back to your main body and that disappears. Also when you died, that body died and it presented a game over message, what should happen is it switches back to your main body. 0.13 added other scripts to the mix, such as on_pre_player_death etc so you can intercept this and return control back to your main body before it fires the actual death event, same with logging off.

In any case, now that when you die in single player, you can respawn the same as you do when you die in multiplayer, I was considering adding a "please select a class" dialogue on spawn and game start, to let you select between an option of bodies. The main issue with it is that it isn't easy to switch between them(Delete and create new) and copy an inventory across, especially if such inventories include items that contain items (Like blueprint books, or modular armor or vehicles with grids), so I would go for an on spawn system, or multiple bodies only, meaning if you want to change class of your primary body, you have to die. I might think of other options later.

Anyway, I was wondering what you guys think of the idea, and if I should pursue this any further.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by Zombiee »

Certainly an interesting concept, I could see it being very popular for multiplayer where people end up doing very specific jobs for extended time. I'm not sure I'd use it single player other than picking one type and just staying that way. The roles and their advantages don't jive for me though.

Scout = fast, high hp
Builder = bag space, long reach and maybe crafting speed
Miner = fast mining, can mine in a slightly bigger circle

I can't really see playing as anything but builder.

Consider alternatives? (No idea if this is possible)

Warrior - high armor, high hp, dmg bonus, low bag space
Scout - fast, low hp, dmg penalty, view distance bonus
Worker - slow, high bag space, craft speed, long reach and mining power

Different from different bodies that you spawn as, is it possible to have different armor types give bonuses along these lines? Warrior armor tech tree, scout armor tech tree, worker armor tech tree?
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by mrvn »

I could see myself stashing (warrior) bodies at outposts so you could quickly teleport there.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

bobingabout wrote:

Code: Select all

    name = "bob-player-miner",
    crafting_categories = {"crafting", "smelting"},
Zombiee wrote:Miner = fast mining, can mine in a slightly bigger circle
Can smelt ores in hand crafting too.

Zombiee wrote:I can't really see playing as anything but builder.

Consider alternatives? (No idea if this is possible)

Warrior - high armor, high hp, dmg bonus, low bag space
Scout - fast, low hp, dmg penalty, view distance bonus
Worker - slow, high bag space, craft speed, long reach and mining power

Different from different bodies that you spawn as, is it possible to have different armor types give bonuses along these lines? Warrior armor tech tree, scout armor tech tree, worker armor tech tree?
Certain bonuses are possible applied via a script directly to the player, but I'd have to look them up again. HP and Bag space can be edited, crafting speed can be via scripts, walking speed, reach and mining power can be too. As for armor and Damage, I don't think so.

Basically, the outline for the classes I have so far are... when compared to the base character:
Scout: 125% health + healing rate, 75% inventory (-15 slots), 83% reach, 133% run speed.
Miner: 80% health + healing rate, 83% reach and 130% mining reach, 80% run speed, 10x mining speed (10x isn't as big as you think as it works alongside the axe's mining power), Can hand smelt ores.
Builder: 80% health and healing rate, 133% inventory space (+20 slots), 133% reach, 80% run speed.

Scout: More health, runs faster, less inventory.
Miner: Less health, runs slower, mines faster and can smelt ores.
Builder: Less health, more inventory, runs slower.

Personally, when starting out, I'd probably go with a miner, faster mining and hand crafting metal plates would make the early game much easier.
Builder might be a good choice for later due to the higher inventory space. I think this could benefit from a higher hand crafting speed though.
Scout is only really good for people who like to do more combat, the faster run speed helps keep you out of trouble, and higher health means you survive longer.

These names were basically a pure "off the top of my head at a whim" thing, as were the class concepts. Renaming them and changing them are open if I have good ideas, and can actually program it. I think the ideas were basically "I want someone who has more health and can move faster, Someone who can smelt ores by hand, and someone with a larger inventory space", and this was the result. Fairly sure builder is also supposed to have the higher crafting speed, but I couldn't program it in the data phase.

Another possibility I could add is a skill tree. In scripts you can give a player certain bonuses. The problem is that it might not work very well with other mods that also give players bonuses.
Lets say, you have a mod that says "player.crafting_speed = 2"
what do I do if I also want to edit the crafting speed? Multiply with it? Add to it?
Does the other mod even consider that someone else does something with it when they set it to 2?
These are the sort of things that makes me reluctant to edit these bonuses in scripting.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by Zombiee »

I'd totally missed the ore smelting bit, that actually makes that miner class very interesting. I agree that editing these values directly on the player via script is just asking for massive headaches in terms of compatibility and conflicts.

Going a slightly different direction to get the same result sorta is a gear pack?

Start the game, choose your class and you get some starter gear: Some class specific armor with a very small grid, a class specific pick and some class specific equipment that fits in the armor. Have the equipment require 0 power and give the player the bonus when equipped. (exo-skeleton, armor value, defence shield, bag space, long reach, belt immunity, helmet mounted radar, etc) Presumably equipping this equipment could run a script when equipped? And if someone has a mod that affects the same stat as some equipment, they can choose not to slot into their armor.

Changing classes is a recipe with a long craft time that consumes your current gear to craft other gear. Make the gear impossible to craft from scratch.

As they get into late game, their class becomes less important but they can still plug the equipment into modular armor and get the benefit.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

If I go with the Extra bodies part, then the class of your starter body becomes less important.
Unique starting equipment is also not a bad idea, perhaps a builder could come with a personal roboport.
However, this would eventually go out the window when you get to upgrade your armor.

Which is why I'm inclined to lean more towards the player entity model, and look into the scripted player bonuses.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by Zombiee »

Somehow I missed the concept that you could have multiple bodies at once with some mechanism to swap between them .. and those different bodies could have different characteristics. That is awesome! I have no idea why I fixated on the class structure instead, but everything I was yammering on about ignores the best part.

I'd argue that my gear packs being craftable into other class gear packs also makes the class you pick to start less important but that's not even important because ... multiple bodies. It's like Satellite uplink on steroids while still being less cheaty. My response is upgraded to enthusiastic even though my brain blue screens when I try to imagine the code to do this.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

Switching bodies is relatively easy.

game.player[index].character = <some player entity ID number>

that's it.

The hard part is keeping track of what bodies exist, who they're assigned to, and if we care about this, which is your "real" body.
on_pre_player_died interception does what? Switch to the previous body you were in? Switch to the "real" body, or continue as normal and prompt a respawn if it was your real body?
What happens if your real body dies when you're not in it?

How do we present that to the player? Some form of GUI is most likely, do we give them a list of bodies? Do we limit how many they can have? Do we simply has a "next" and "previous" button that cycles through all type=player entities created by that player?

The original mod I was experimenting with in 0.12 simply had a previous and next button, which broke if the player disconected, it also forgot which was your true body for some reason, and when you died, it was game over, regardless of body (because there was no death interception pre event scripts, was no respawning either, it was "Game over", where you had to quit and load a save game.)

Still, that's what I had, the question is what should I consider doing if I revisit this for 0.15?

And yes, Satellite uplink type mods (Specifically fat controller was one I looked at) were inspiration on working through this the first time.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

Any more feedback?
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by mrvn »

Maybe a factorissimo like building that you walk into. Then inside you have alcoves, one per body. When you step into one you enter that body.

There could then also be different tiers of the building for 2, 4, 8,... bodies.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by Vadise »

I would be very interested to see something like this. So far I have seen one other mod that does something similar called Avatars (, but they are all the default type of character.

I can see the classes working in multiplayer, where each person has a preferred way of playing, you generally have the player that loves combat, and some that just build, some OCD people like me that love to over-engineer and oversee things.

Another thought to put out there would be perhaps re-introduce alien artifacts of various rarities to be able to unlock the classes in game through an assembly machine recipe or even a separate machine altogether to 'make' these bodies using said artifacts and swap between bodies by entering a pod or something, so when you die, you are back to your default body.

Another thought, although perhaps reaching a bit too far out of the scope of this idea would be that when you hop out of the bodies, not only they remain where they are, but they act as turrets, firing at hostiles that get in range of them. This along with AAI compatibility would enable us to make companions (make them follow you using circuits), squads, patrols, etc! not only the benefit of having specialized classes anymore, but very versatile units, way more so than any vehicle available, given you can equip a lot of different types of weapons and armor, and your bob's warfare adds a lot more possibilities.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

My old body swapping mod for 0.12 was named Avatars too.
I think the name came from a topic in the sugestions and ideas thread that peaked my interest at the time.

I think the AAI stuff and even being a turret might be slightly beyond what I'd be aiming to try and program.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by mrvn »

Don't enter the tank, be the tank.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by chridder »

A setup defining your class (RPG like) on your own by setting some attributes in the beginning of the game would be nice (as Mod Config).

E.G. you can spent up to 4 points for the attributes
- walking speed
- building range
- crafting speed
- inventory size
- health points

each point brings you a bonus of x %, so if I want to setup a character for train building, I would maybe give 2 points to walking speed, which makes me x % faster and 1 point to health to survive better against biters when laying tracks to the outpost and 1 point to inventory size to carry more stuff with me to the outpost.

A builder would maybe focus on building range, crafting speed and inventory size

and so on...

with this approach you would not need to define fix classes.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

chridder wrote:A setup defining your class (RPG like) on your own by setting some attributes in the beginning of the game would be nice (as Mod Config).

E.G. you can spent up to 4 points for the attributes
- walking speed
- building range
- crafting speed
- inventory size
- health points
The problem with this method is that it can only be done via script. I would call this the skill point method.
The other method of setting it in the prototype needs to be done in the data stage, and would be locked to all entities of that variation. I would call this the class method.

Certain things like crafting speed (A builder?) are only available via script, others like the crafting categories (The miner class adding the ability to hand craft metal plates from ores) only available in the data stage, meaning there's no one way to do everything in one method.

Now, when I designed the classes, I balanced them around the initial values, so all classes have both down sides and up sides. A skill tree doesn't really allow for this, because you can't actually set negatives in the script bonus system.

I was actually considering doing this in 2 mods. One that adds the multiple bodies system (Avatars), and another to add classes. it is possible I can add a 3rd for skill points, the problem there becomes... how many skill points do you start with? Can you earn more? if so how? Things like that.

Moving into the technical side of things...

Here is the complete list of bonuses you can apply via a script. ... d_modifier

I think those sufficed with modifier are a multiplier (+#% of original) and the others are an addition (+# literal value)
uint signifies that it can only be positive, and therefore a bonus only. multiplier MIGHT work with down to -1.

Code: Select all

character_crafting_speed_modifier :: double [RW]  
character_mining_speed_modifier :: double [RW]  
character_running_speed_modifier :: double [RW]  
character_build_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_item_drop_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_resource_reach_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_item_pickup_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus :: uint [RW]  
quickbar_count_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_inventory_slots_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_logistic_slot_count_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_trash_slot_count_bonus :: uint [RW]  
character_maximum_following_robot_count_bonus :: uint [RW] 
These values are set on LuaControl, which is inherited by both LuaEntity and LuaPlayer. If I am understanding this correctly, this means you can set a bonus to game.player and another to game.player.character, which is the entity the player controls. This MIGHT allow for 2 separate sets of bonuses. One for the player as a whole, that persists from body to body, and a second that is specific to a particular body.

Experimentation would be needed.

So contrast against coded into the entity, the values that I can tweak (Assuming I didn't cut any out that actually matter beyond things like graphics) are as follows. (Quoting from first post)

Code: Select all

max_health = 100,
healing_per_tick = 0.01,

crafting_categories = {"crafting"},
mining_categories = {"basic-solid"},

inventory_size = 60,

build_distance = 6,
reach_distance = 6,
reach_resource_distance = 2.7,

drop_item_distance = 6,
item_pickup_distance = 1,
loot_pickup_distance = 2,

running_speed = 0.15,
mining_speed = 0.01,
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by chridder »

bobingabout wrote:
Now, when I designed the classes, I balanced them around the initial values, so all classes have both down sides and up sides. A skill tree doesn't really allow for this, because you can't actually set negatives in the script bonus system.

[...] it is possible I can add a 3rd for skill points, the problem there becomes... how many skill points do you start with? Can you earn more? if so how? Things like that.
from my point of view it must not be a skill tree with leveling up. Compared to your idea of using classes, which seem to me also fix after choosing them (except in the avatar variant) attribute points would allow the player to decide where to put the focus on.
You are right, this might not allow negative points, but I saw it more like a boost to specific skills.

for sure, a skill tree model would be nice but I think it conflicts somehow with the research, where for example inventory size can be increased as well (or is it a mod?).
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by mrvn »

Couldn't you have techs that only give a bonus to some body types?

You research "Miner speed 1" and anyone walking around in the miner body gets a mining bonus. Those in the warrior body do not.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by Vadise »

bobingabout wrote:My old body swapping mod for 0.12 was named Avatars too.
I think the name came from a topic in the sugestions and ideas thread that peaked my interest at the time.

I think the AAI stuff and even being a turret might be slightly beyond what I'd be aiming to try and program.
Ah well. Had to try anyway! Back to the classes themselves. I think adding something slightly more unique than just some stats may make it more flavorful.

For example builders (which I'd rather call Technicians) could have those things you mentioned but also have an extra slot in their inventory where they can put modules in and act like a mobile beacon. Maybe be more efficient or faster when it comes to using repair packs as well (or even have them automatically repair things in range by adding yet another slot for repair packs just for this purpose)

Scouts/Sentinels could also start with a 2x2 equipment slot somewhere with pre-equipped night vision (later swappable with something else if they fancy). Increased weapons range and maybe decreased movement penalties while shooting. (Also being able to use repair packs to heal players, maybe?).

As for the miners maybe two inventory slots that act like an electric furnace? One slot for ore, another where the plates come out of?
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by bobingabout »

chridder wrote:
bobingabout wrote:
Now, when I designed the classes, I balanced them around the initial values, so all classes have both down sides and up sides. A skill tree doesn't really allow for this, because you can't actually set negatives in the script bonus system.

[...] it is possible I can add a 3rd for skill points, the problem there becomes... how many skill points do you start with? Can you earn more? if so how? Things like that.
from my point of view it must not be a skill tree with leveling up. Compared to your idea of using classes, which seem to me also fix after choosing them (except in the avatar variant) attribute points would allow the player to decide where to put the focus on.
You are right, this might not allow negative points, but I saw it more like a boost to specific skills.

for sure, a skill tree model would be nice but I think it conflicts somehow with the research, where for example inventory size can be increased as well (or is it a mod?).
I wasn't thinking a tree, I was thinking a list of areas that you can select between, to boost specific skills
To note: the inventory size research is added in my Logistics mod (I think that mod) and, as you can see in the rest of my post below, it would count in addition to it for the specific player, or unit, not the whole force. note: Armor adds inventory space too.

I suppose if the base model started with stats inferior to the base player character, you could in theory put an even spread of your limited points in all areas to bring it back up to standard, or spend all points in inventory space, to have a slower, character with less reach and less health, but double the inventory space.
mrvn wrote:Couldn't you have techs that only give a bonus to some body types?

You research "Miner speed 1" and anyone walking around in the miner body gets a mining bonus. Those in the warrior body do not.
Tech bonuses another level entirely. Look back to what I said about the possibly levels of LuaPlayer and LuaEntity, where Player applies (in theory) to everything the player plays as, and Entity applies (in theory) to a specific unit. A research would apply to all units of all players on that force. The way the bonuses are assigned (to the force), you can't specify the type. This is the list of options you are presented with:

Code: Select all

This list is the same as the per player list, except doesn't include researches that are already in the base game. quickbar, character logistic slots, character trash slots and character following robots. Of those 4 you should be familier with how they work, AFAIK there is no way at all to apply those directly to a specific type of entity.

Well, maybe with some clever scripting, the research doesn't actually do anything, and a script catches it and applies it to all existing units of that type, but that's just messy and would likely conflict with anything else trying to set them.
Vadise wrote:
bobingabout wrote:My old body swapping mod for 0.12 was named Avatars too.
I think the name came from a topic in the sugestions and ideas thread that peaked my interest at the time.

I think the AAI stuff and even being a turret might be slightly beyond what I'd be aiming to try and program.
Ah well. Had to try anyway! Back to the classes themselves. I think adding something slightly more unique than just some stats may make it more flavorful.

For example builders (which I'd rather call Technicians) could have those things you mentioned but also have an extra slot in their inventory where they can put modules in and act like a mobile beacon. Maybe be more efficient or faster when it comes to using repair packs as well (or even have them automatically repair things in range by adding yet another slot for repair packs just for this purpose)

Scouts/Sentinels could also start with a 2x2 equipment slot somewhere with pre-equipped night vision (later swappable with something else if they fancy). Increased weapons range and maybe decreased movement penalties while shooting. (Also being able to use repair packs to heal players, maybe?).

As for the miners maybe two inventory slots that act like an electric furnace? One slot for ore, another where the plates come out of?
Look back at the lists I posted. That's a complete list of what I can do (Without excessive script magic), Modules(If you mean like those you can put in machines) Wouldn't be possible. The equipment grid COULD be possible if they start with a cheap armor, but it would still likely require more than just space for the night vision, such as solar panels and a battery so it gains power, maybe even some cheap reactor, so it can actually be used at night.
The miner's furnace abillity is literally just allowing the furnace recipes in the list of things you can craft by hand, that's the extend of the abillity to mod it.
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Re: Classes + Extra bodies

Post by chridder »

bobingabout wrote:
chridder wrote:
bobingabout wrote:
I suppose if the base model started with stats inferior to the base player character, you could in theory put an even spread of your limited points in all areas to bring it back up to standard, or spend all points in inventory space, to have a slower, character with less reach and less health, but double the inventory space.
That's going into the direction I thought about... but why not start with base player character settings, and allow a player to boost just 2-3 attributes, so they can specialize the character.

But, the more I think of, the more I also like the idea of fixed classes... especially in multiplayer...
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