The goals are
- Correct ratios. Note that I play with marathon / expensive recipes, so that changes a number of ratios.
- Direct insertion of prerequisites, especially for things like cables where output > input. Things like gears, steel, or green circuits are less interesting as input > output, so it can be more efficient to create the gears (etc) as close to the raw material as possible and let the bots carry the intermediate rather than the raw.
- Compactness. This helps create a small base and means less work for the bots.
First designs for green/red circuits:
Designs with 2 blocks are slightly more compact but probably not enough to warrant the reduced flexibility: 2 reds reduce tiles/output from 63 to 60.5, 2 greens from 99 to 93.5.
All feedback / suggestions / improvements welcome! All designs have quite a bit of 'whitespace' left, so I'm sure there is room for improvement!