[0.15.30] Blueprints don't set circuit conditions on belts

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[0.15.30] Blueprints don't set circuit conditions on belts

Post by Lorash »

If I have a blueprint that has belts connected with colored wires, and place this blueprint straight on already built unconnected belts, the belts will get connected with wires for free (as expected), but the circuit conditions remain as the defaults, not the ones in the blueprint.

If I place the blueprint on empty land, it gets constructed properly with the circuit conditions set up correctly to represent what's in the blueprint.

This has been this way at least since 0.15.14ish, and I don't remember seeing this problem in 0.14.

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Re: [0.15.30] Blueprints don't set circuit conditions on belts

Post by Loewchen »

The condition is part of the connected entity, not the wire, so if you want the condition to be copied you need to make sure that there is no old entity blocking the new one.

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Re: [0.15.30] Blueprints don't set circuit conditions on belts

Post by rorror »

Loewchen wrote:The condition is part of the connected entity, not the wire, so if you want the condition to be copied you need to make sure that there is no old entity blocking the new one.
Isn't this the job of the waiting robot untill that last item is removed to setup the last missing condition. It was part of the blueprints so the robots did not do there job. While the robots can wait for an item removal.
In case you need to manually remove the item first, then you should not beable to place the blueprint in the first place.. ?
I do find this an potantional issue.

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