Below is log file.
Code: Select all
0.002 2017-07-13 13:56:01; Factorio 0.15.29 (build 30708, win64, steam)
0.002 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607)
0.002 Program arguments: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe"
0.002 Read data path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.002 Write data path: C:/Users/Stephan/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
0.002 Binaries path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.014 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 32657MB]
0.015 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 0]
0.018 Available display adapters: 2
0.019 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 {0x05, [0,0], 3440x1440, 32bit, 100Hz}
0.019 [1]: \\.\DISPLAY2 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 {0x8000001, [3440,0], 2560x1440, 32bit, 59Hz}
0.020 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [1070, 342].
0.759 Initialised Direct3D:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070; driver: nvd3dumx.dll
0.762 Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 8009/0/16328/4077 MB
0.806 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
0.807 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=19940
0.808 Device reset internal.
0.811 Desktop composition is active.
0.811 Graphics settings preset: very-high
0.811 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 100%] [DXT: false]
0.952 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.963 Loading mod base 0.15.29 (data.lua)
1.093 Loading mod EndlessResourcesWithFullYield 0.6.0 (data.lua)
1.158 Loading mod base 0.15.29 (data-updates.lua)
1.212 Checksum for core: 1014686582
1.212 Checksum of base: 3742844176
1.212 Checksum of EndlessResourcesWithFullYield: 2805839289
1.515 Info PlayerData.cpp:58: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1499920662
1.515 Info PlayerData.cpp:63: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1496208254
1.688 Loaded shader file D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/game.cso
1.688 Loaded shader file D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/zoom-to-world.cso
1.702 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
1.706 Created atlas bitmap 16384x8133
1.959 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2101
1.988 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3317
2.032 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3648
2.052 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1568
2.069 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1868
8.440 Sprites loaded
8.440 Convert atlas 4096x3648 to: mipmap
8.535 Convert atlas 4096x1568 to: mipmap
8.713 Convert atlas 4096x1868 to: trilinear-filtering
9.245 Loading sounds...
11.344 Custom inputs active: 0
11.378 Factorio initialised
15.569 Loading map C:\Users\Stephan\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\ 36569227 bytes.
15.600 Loading Level.dat: 87030032 bytes.
15.605 Info Scenario.cpp:135: Map version 0.15.29-2
17.787 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:208: Loaded library shelves:
17.788 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:760: Game shelf: playerIndex = 65535, nextRecordID = 0; timestamp = 1493090500; records:
17.788 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:762: Player shelf: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 1; timestamp = 1499118526; records: (id: 0, 0; label: "", Hash: d19bd916ca67ac1270effbcdd36925d4979183, preview: false, empty: false; book)
18.199 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:48: Loaded external blueprint storage: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 1; timestamp = 1499118526; records: (id: 0, 0; label: "", Hash: d19bd916ca67ac1270effbcdd36925d4979183, preview: false, empty: false; book)
18.199 Loading script.dat: 320 bytes.
18.201 Checksum for script C:/Users/Stephan/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 282129324
43.607 Error CrashHandler.cpp:232: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (923): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\util\logger.cpp (364): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\util\logger.cpp (421): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (105): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (235): CrashHandler::SignalHandler
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\misc\exception_filter.cpp (219): _seh_filter_exe
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (269): `__scrt_common_main_seh'::`1'::filt$0
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF7FB5A2BE8)
00007FF7FB5A2BE8 (Factorio): (filename not available): __C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF07A9ABAD)
00007FFF07A9ABAD (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF07A39913)
00007FFF07A39913 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlImageNtHeaderEx
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF07A99CCA)
00007FFF07A99CCA (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\blueprint\blueprintshelf.cpp (796): BlueprintShelf::hasAnyAvailable
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\gui\blueprintlibrarygui.cpp (913): BlueprintLibraryGui::rebuildGui
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\gui\blueprintlibrarygui.cpp (698): BlueprintLibraryGui::BlueprintLibraryGui
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\gameview.cpp (541): GameView::loadGuiForController
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\gameview.cpp (297): GameView::executeAction
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\gameview.cpp (269): GameView::executeActions
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\game.cpp (208): Game::postUpdate
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\mainloop.cpp (698): MainLoop::prepare
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\mainloop.cpp (490): MainLoop::mainLoopStep
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\mainloop.cpp (299): MainLoop::run
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-znqlz3\src\main.cpp (1023): wmain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (253): __scrt_common_main_seh
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF074C8364)
00007FFF074C8364 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF07A570D1)
00007FFF07A570D1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
45.032 Error CrashHandler.cpp:106: Map tick at moment of crash: 245723105
45.032 Error Util.cpp:80: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.