If I had a nickel for every time I hit the "Back/Exit" button in the game accidentally causing me to have to sit through a long reboot, I'd be richer than the devs. j/k
Please add an option for us "dummies" that keeps our sanity from accidentally backing/exiting out too far. Maybe a (enable/disable - Confirm when Exiting Game).
Add an Option to Have the "Exit" Button Confirm!
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Add an Option to Have the "Exit" Button Confirm!
Or the exit button should be further away from the other buttons.
I often mis-click it too, especially after clicking the "Back" button in the Options menu. The main menu and the options menu looks too similar.
I often mis-click it too, especially after clicking the "Back" button in the Options menu. The main menu and the options menu looks too similar.
Re: Add an Option to Have the "Exit" Button Confirm!
After 3,000 hours of lifetime play, I still stumble over the menu layout. Everything, for the most part, looks alike. It would be nice, maybe, if there were headers to tell what menu you're in like "Main Menu", "Play Menu", "MP Menu", "Settings Menu"...