Machine art suggestion to improve ease of use

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Factory Lobster
Long Handed Inserter
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Machine art suggestion to improve ease of use

Post by Factory Lobster »

I may be nitpicking, but I have seen several people post questions about why a setup doesn't work when it came down to eyeballing the machine's borders incorrectly and misplacing inserters or whatever. Below are some examples of machines that I've seen cause problems for others (the plastic chem plant) or that have caused problems for myself. There are probably other machines that can be discussed (someone mentioned trains tripping them up). I'm using these as examples:


I am not suggesting that everything be made into a square, like the assembly machine and electric furnace (which by the way are very easy to work with, spatially). I just think that it would be a quality of life improvement to clean up some of the art to aid spatial intuition, such as adding some kind of a foundation to round or complex-shaped machines to help indicate where the border is. And changing machines that spill over their borders to not do so.

Clearly the game is completely playable as-is, I just wonder what others think about this.
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