[MOD 1.1] Warehousing v0.4.0

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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by kingarthur »

ya idk how work this thing. there is only 4 or 5 files i have messed with to get it updated. keeps telling me everything was upload 22 hours ago. if it helps im add the files to this post and maybe sombody can get them added right
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by dgw »

Packaged up everything that seemed relevant to Anoyomouse in a pull request. Gotta love Git's built-in support for saying "I didn't actually write this; I'm just committing it"! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by nuclearnix »

So i have items disappearing form the logistic warehouse...

it was holding my deconstructed base so i need to figure out what caused it so i can play on my save and reconstruct the base.

Id love to post a log but my server is hosted on i-craft.de and they dont give you access to the logs folder.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by Mobius1 »

Crash on 0.16.9+ versions.
The mod is making the game crash on 0.16.9+ versions of the factorio. Due to how logistic chests were reworked to work with the buffer chests, the warehousing mod started to make the game crash upon loading. Loading any savegame or starting a new game crashes factorio.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by steinio »

Do we get buffer warehouses?

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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by dgw »

steinio wrote:Do we get buffer warehouses?
I've been working on them. Right now all I can offer is "Soon™" due to IRL stuff.
Mobius1 wrote:Crash on 0.16.9+ versions.
The mod is making the game crash on 0.16.9+ versions of the factorio. Due to how logistic chests were reworked to work with the buffer chests, the warehousing mod started to make the game crash upon loading. Loading any savegame or starting a new game crashes factorio.
If you can provide crash logs that might help. Head for the GitHub issue I created to track this: https://github.com/Anoyomouse/Warehousing/issues/31

Same as with buffer chests, though, I can't promise any timeline for a fix. Not sure when I'll have my next chance to look at 0.16. If Anoyomouse gets to it first, though, we'll see.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by MPeti1 »

I know, 0.14 is a bit old, but i left the game for ~1 year because i got annoyed about my large factory runs at 30 UPS and less on my not so fast pc, and started playing with it again a few days ago.
I have your mod installed and i encountered an annoying feature of storage warehouses and chests.
You know that feeling when you have a large factory and drones are got destroyed at every single moment by biters on unexplored area (where there is a gap between parts of you factory), and you want to help drones to fly less.
So i decided to place storage warehouses (and provider chests for repair packs and etc but thats not the point) along my train track, because i thought drones will put here what i trash, and i will deliver it to home via trains.
I placed some storage wh-s, and i tried out if it's working. Did it work? You got it, it didn't, because in my base i had many many storage wh-s, which contained a lots of items. Now, if i trash an item, the drones will not deliver it to the nearest storage wh/chest, no, they will deliver it to the nearest storage wh/chest which already contains that item.
Please could you make a last update to 0.14 which has a workaround for it? I don't want to update the game yet because i have many mods and then i can't continue my map in the new version because of incompatibility :/
I also have an idea what could you do: You could make a storage warehouse v2 which:
1. didn't has this sorting feature, or
2. it says to drones: i have every type of item (but only 0 amount)

Sorry for bothering you with old versions, but... you know the feeling when you don't want to leave your factory which you didn't even "finish"
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by dgw »

Which logistic chest robots choose when storing items is logic built into the game itself. Warehousing doesn't touch it (and actually can't even if we wanted to, AFAIK).

A warehouse (or storehouse) is just an extended chest-type entity, which inherits all the base game behaviors for that type of chest. Basically all the mod really does to customize them is change the sprites, dimensions, and slot counts.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by dgw »

Mobius1 wrote:Crash on 0.16.9+ versions.
The mod is making the game crash on 0.16.9+ versions of the factorio. Due to how logistic chests were reworked to work with the buffer chests, the warehousing mod started to make the game crash upon loading. Loading any savegame or starting a new game crashes factorio.
Had a chance to investigate this just now, and I can't crash Factorio 0.16.12 with either Warehousing 0.1.0 (stable) or 0.1.1 (in development). Granted I have no existing saves to load in 0.16, but as you said starting a new game crashes Factorio I must resolve this bug report as "Cannot Reproduce" unless further details are provided at https://github.com/Anoyomouse/Warehousing/issues/31.

Anyone else experiencing crashes with this mod in Factorio 0.16.9+ is welcome to contribute reports—crash logs or save games that exhibit the problem would both help.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by MPeti1 »

dgw wrote:Which logistic chest robots choose when storing items is logic built into the game itself. Warehousing doesn't touch it (and actually can't even if we wanted to, AFAIK).

A warehouse (or storehouse) is just an extended chest-type entity, which inherits all the base game behaviors for that type of chest. Basically all the mod really does to customize them is change the sprites, dimensions, and slot counts.
Thanks for the reply. So there is no way to prevent drones to fly in dangerous area, or just to make them fly less?
Is it changed at least in the latest game version?
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Re: [MOD 0.15] Warehousing v0.0.11

Post by dgw »

MPeti1 wrote:So there is no way to prevent drones to fly in dangerous area, or just to make them fly less?
Is it changed at least in the latest game version?
Designing your logistics network or defending your territory so bots won't get destroyed en route is part of the challenge. As far as I know, bot behavior is more or less the same in 0.16.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.1

Post by Anoyomouse »

dgw released 0.1.1, and i've pushed it to the mod portal (anyone following along)

Also, looking for updated translations for the newer items, and maybe even updates to the older ones! :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.1

Post by countryboygeek »

I love this mod, the only thing i needs is a logistic filter for storage building.
It would be so nice to be able to have a building for ore or stone so i would not get mixed in with every else.
Any plans on adding it?
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.1

Post by dgw »

The filter slot for the storage warehouse was accidentally left out in 0.1.1. It'll be included in Warehousing 0.1.2, once I also fix the other stuff I want to get fixed.

If you don't want to wait, and you're comfortable unzipping the mod and editing one of the files, this is all you have to change. It's not much more complicated than manually making outdated mods compatible with a new Factorio release.

Code: Select all

 prototypes/entity.lua | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/prototypes/entity.lua b/prototypes/entity.lua
index 33cf633..3796ab4 100644
--- a/prototypes/entity.lua
+++ b/prototypes/entity.lua
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ function define_warehouse(name, logistics_name)
 		result.logistic_mode = logistics_name;
 		if (logistics_name == "storage") then
 			result.inventory_size = 2000;
+			result.logistic_slots_count = 1;
 		if ((logistics_name == "requester") or (logistics_name == "buffer")) then
 			result.logistic_slots_count = 12;
@@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ function define_storehouse(name, logistics_name)
 		result.logistic_mode = logistics_name;
 		if (logistics_name == "storage") then
 			result.inventory_size = 300;
+			result.logistic_slots_count = 1;
 		if ((logistics_name == "requester") or (logistics_name == "buffer")) then
 			result.logistic_slots_count = 12;
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by Anoyomouse »

Aaand, Version 0.1.2 is out!

Thanks to dgw for getting it sotred, and tested.

I got new translations via crowdin, see OP for link, you just need a free account to add your own language to warehousing now!
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by Iccor56 »

i don't know if it's new or what but assemblers can build all the warehouse logistic items except yellow (storage)

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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by Iccor56 »

also is there a reason logistic storage store houses are bigger than regular storehouses?

i noticed it when i fast replaced one to regular and it dumped to my inventory.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by Anoyomouse »

Iccor56 wrote:also is there a reason logistic storage store houses are bigger than regular storehouses?

i noticed it when i fast replaced one to regular and it dumped to my inventory.
This is by design (see the github wiki, and even the description, because you're using a storage warehouse / storehouse to store things, they are bigger, and even need more materials to make because of it ... and yes, quick replace does mess it up, but there's not much i can do about that.
Iccor56 wrote:i don't know if it's new or what but assemblers can build all the warehouse logistic items except yellow (storage)

I haven't seen this problem before, i'm going to ask dgw for comments .. might also be another mod that's interfering here ... but i'm not sure
Last edited by Anoyomouse on Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by dgw »

Anoyomouse wrote:
Iccor56 wrote:i don't know if it's new or what but assemblers can build all the warehouse logistic items except yellow (storage)

I haven't seen this problem before, i'm going to ask dgw for comments .. might also be another mod that's interfering here ... but i'm not sure
Storage logistic versions require five ingredients, so only assembler 3 can build them. You're using AM2s in your screenshot. They can only craft recipes with up to four ingredients.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Warehousing v0.1.2

Post by el veejay »

I'm having some problems with warehouses - it seems that inserters won't insert into them. They can insert into other things, it seems. Loaders can insert things into warehouses.
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