Science pack 3 automation?

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Science pack 3 automation?

Post by Hailtron »

I have tried in vain to automate science pack 3 production, and I can't find anything online, would someone be kind enough to share their layouts? ;)
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Re: Science pack 3 automation?

Post by British_Petroleum »

join any mp game that's been going a few hours and you'll see a blue science layout ;) I'd show you one of mine but i never play vanilla
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Re: Science pack 3 automation?

Post by Patashu »

Science pack 3 is red circuits + engine units + electric mining drills.

Electric mining drills are easy, just combine copper cable+iron plate->electric circuits, iron plate->iron gears and iron plate.

Engine units are also easy, just combine iron plate->pipe, iron plate->gear and iron plate->steel. (Suggest that you set up steel smelting next to where you set up iron smelting - just do the same setup you did for iron smelting but replace iron ore with iron plate, and it will Magically Work.)

Red circuits are copper cable, electric circuits and plastic. So we'll focus on plastic, since it's the hardest.

To make plastic, you have to combine petroleum gas and coal in a chemical plant.
The petroleum gas comes from cracking crude oil in an oil refinery, which also produces heavy oil and light oil, so you'll have to store it in storage tanks (and lift them/drop them if they fill up), convert them into solid fuel (using chemical plants), and/or crack them down into petroleum gas (using chemical plants). Oil refinery will refuse to run if any one of its 3 outputs are full, even if you are totally out of the other 1-2 outputs, so you have to do one of these solutions.
To get crude oil, place a pump jack on a crude oil patch (magenta on the map). If it's far away from where your main base is, you can pipe it to a storage tank, pump it onto a train with fluid wagon, and pump it onto a storage tank near your oil refineries. Or if you're lazy, just underground pipe it back to your base (underground pipes effectively have higher throughput because liquids travel instantly across each underground passage). Or build your oil refinery near the crude oil patches, train/belt iron/coal/copper there and train/belt back the plastic lol. (You can also barrel, belt and unbarrel crude oil. I did this once and it's pretty unfun, so I don't recommend it. But you used to have to do this in 0.14, because the fluid wagon didn't exist yet!)

Don't worry about efficiency or ratios or whatever at this point - To satisfy 10 labs you need 4 science pack 3 assemblers, which means you need 2 red circuit assemblers, 2 engine unit assemblers and 1 electric mining drill assemblers. Once you can automate the items AT ALL that's really all you need.
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Re: Science pack 3 automation?

Post by Hailtron »

Hailtron wrote:I have tried in vain to automate science pack 3 production, and I can't find anything online, would someone be kind enough to share their layouts? ;)
I made a meager setup that is somewhat ratioed correctly
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Re: Science pack 3 automation?

Post by JimBarracus »

Plan ahead and integrate purple science pack production since blue and purple share almost all intermediates.
blue -> purple
motor -> electric Motor
red circuit - > electric furnace
electric miner and assembler 1 share all basic components.

My layout isn't the best but it works and is relativly balanced.
5 Assemblers for blue and 4 for purple science pack production
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Re: Science pack 3 automation?

Post by BlakeMW »

Typically I use something like this: Image

Advanced circuits and engines are both produced in (exactly) double the required quantity, the idea being half are taken away for other uses (advanced circuits: for making some tier 1 modules, engines: for making electric engines for production science packs and other stuff that uses engines/electric engines).
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