So I was playing with some friends from the US. I am in Ireland. I was hosting. We played until my network speed dropped and they were experiencing lag.
One of them started to host and I could not connect at all. They all could. And I could connect to other servers, even other servers in the US, but not their game. While going through all of the "turn it off and turn it on again" steps, it came up in conversation that they're all on IPV6 whereas I'm on IPV4 (ISP constraint). Is that conceivably the problem?
Multiplayer question
Re: Multiplayer question
For context, I was trying to join through the in game public menu. And the error message is below.
Though judging by the ip address the error log gave, it wasn't IPV6 so I have no more ideas.23.134 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
23.137 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:542: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
24.449 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:92: MultiplayerManager failed: multiplayer.not-received-connection-accept-reply
24.450 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:542: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(InitializationFailed)
27.518 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:179: Quitting multiplayer connection.
27.518 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:542: MapTick(-1) changing state from(InitializationFailed) to(Disconnected)
27.568 Info UDPSocket.cpp:234: Socket closed