Difficulty: HARDPrerequisites: No peaceful mode, Starting Area must be medium or less.
1. You may not destroy enemy spawners. To enforce this ban increase enemy spawner destruction evolution increase factor to a really high value so one destroyed spawner sets the evolution factor to 1.
Have fun cramming your factory in so little space. You can try to painfully expand your base by finding empty space between spawners.
Win the game like that.
Too easy? Try...
Using RSO. This mod loves to put enemy spawners near ore patches.
Using Rampant. It makes biters slightly less dumb.
Difficulty: EXTRAPrerequisites: Spawn yourself 10 steel chests when the game starts. This is your storage space. If possible, disable recipes for active provider and storage chests.
1. You may not willingly destroy anything your factory has ever produced (to "trash" it) or willingly allow it to be destroyed. The only exception are blueprints.
2. You may not create additional storage UNLESS it is to be used as a buffer for production. Only the ten steel chests can be used just to store trash from your inventory. Those 10 chests are allowed to have multiple kinds of things in them.
3. Buffer storage may not be used for long-term storage. Each buffer chest is only allowed to have up to 2 kinds of things in it.
4. Circuit network may not be used to control production!
5. Storage chests are not allowed. Use passive providers only.
6. You may not drop items on the ground with the intention to get rid of them.
7. If anyone dies, they must retrieve their stuff from their corpse. Or use a mod that returns their stuff automatically.
Overproduction becomes a real issue for once! Here you have to be very cautious so as to not overproduce things. The storage space is limited.
Too easy? Try...
NO STORAGE FOR EXCESS AT ALL! Have fun managing this.
Difficulty: EXERCISE OF FRUSTRATION / LUNATICPrerequisites: None
1. Simple and beautiful: you may not deconstruct buildings. Once they are there, they are there forever unless some enemy destroys them.
2. You may not willingly allow enemies to destroy your buildings.
3. You MAY upgrade your buildings. "Upgrade" is the action you do when you change building without deconstructing it.
Because there is not enough punishment for errors and it's too easy to rebuild parts of your factory. This challenge will force you to be insanely cautious when building something, or, in simple terms, always be cautious.
If you make a mistake, you have to work around it.
Too easy? Try...
Test building is only allowed within near vicinity of the main factory.
If you take this challenge and win the game, post the savegame here -- I am sure this factory is going to be beautiful to look at.
Economy savant
Difficulty: RUSSIAN ROULETTEUnlike previous challenges there is an actual point of no return. You can only mess around for so long. This point of no return is also invisible and you won't be able to find that you are lacking resources until it's too late.
1. Create a custom map and add 4 ore patches: iron, copper, uranium, coal with around 1 million of each resource in each patch
1. Create a row of chests and fill them with respective ore so that you have 1M of each kind of ore.
1. You are only allowed to use ore from the aforementioned source. You may use any source of crude oil though.
What is the objective of economics as a scientific study? How to satisfy unlimited needs with only a limited amount of resources.
Here you become a savant of economics -- you must launch a rocket with only a limited amount of resources.
Too easy? Try...
Lower the amount of resources. Try different variations.
Angel of Death
Difficulty: Against the Rules / RAGE AGAINST TIMEPrerequisites: Disable recipes for turrets. No peaceful mode.
1. You may not defend your base using turrets. Players must manually defend their base from enemies. Turret creep is not allowed.
2. If you play with mods, you are not allowed to build building that reduce pollution or evolution factor lest it'd be too easy.
Why would you care about pollution when you can simply slap some more turrets? Well, no more. While you still can use walls to protect your base, it is very difficult to be in few places at once.
Minimize pollution as much as possible so as to not agitate enemies.
Too easy? Try...
Playing this with Pacifism challenge.
Using Rampant.
Using Natural Evolution.