A suggestion concerning the controls of blueprint placement:
- I think it would be beneficial to implement the current blueprint control scheme
- Currently: Shift-click with a blueprint sets natural obstacles to be demolished and adds ghosts for construction of new items
- New: Ctrl+Shift+Click with a blueprint to set ALL natural and player obstacles to be demolished and add ghosts for construction of new items - no boundary logic required i.e. any unexpected belt or pipe behavior would need to be fixed by the player manually.
Concerning the objection that the demolition planner can already be set to filter whatever items are required to be replaced: 1) this is a convenience that skips the creation of custom demo planners. 2) This allows for flexibility that a filtered deconstruction planner does not - a filtered planner would remove ALL items of a type within a boundary, even if you were to want some to stay, whereas a blueprint could be very specific in what items would be removed/replaced.