Currently the Filter Inserters support five resources to filter. Increasing that limit would help advanced base design. This could be unlockable with the advanced Inserter technologiesWhat ?
The Filter Inserter and Filter Stack Inserters have a limit of five resources to filter against. That limit should be increased.The Red and Green Wires have channels for all items in the game. If you send signals for more than five items a Filter Inserter ignores all but five (and I'm unsure the logic of what is ignored; I suspect the Filter Inserter ignores the newest signals).
In case it is not clear when I say 5 item limit, here is a screenshot stolen from XKCD forums:

WHAT do you suggest? What is your idea that should be changed? Explain in detail your idea.
Nothing fancy, just ability to handle more filters. If people consider the five filter limit a core constraint to the game, perhaps make it an unlockable tech.Ultimately, allowing as many filters as items would remove headaches when integrating to a Red or Green Wire network
Why ?
Troubleshooting why a Filter Inserter wasn't collecting all of the items signaled on a Green Wire was frustrating. The five items feels like an arbitrary limit and I would like to see it removed.Note:
You may notice this is my first post, and I have only built one factory so far. Looking through some screenshots of other people's factories I may have built it "wrong", but I really would like to see if I can finish the game with my design. However what could be a single "request" bus on Red Wires quickly gets saturated thanks to this five item limit. I am working around it but it is very tedious.Lastly, sorry if it was already suggested; I didn't spend very long searching for this idea.