Laser turrets toggled on by flamethrower turrets

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Manual Inserter
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Laser turrets toggled on by flamethrower turrets

Post by Oertel »

Hi guys.

I wanted to create a defense setup with laser turrets where the lasers only turn on when there are enemies nearby. I've achieved this by using flamethrower turrets that trigger a power switch, to turn on the lasers.
I took a lot of inspiration from this post: ... need_them/ but I am unsure if this exact setup still works with the changed fluid mechanics in 0.15.

See it in action:


Instructions: The blueprint is tileable, but unfortunately, it requires some manual intervention. Connect crude/light/heavy oil to the pump facing south-north. Because blueprints don't save the configuration of copper wires, you will also have to manually connect 2 copper wires to the power switch like so:

Explanation: there are 2 tanks/pumps set up so that 100 units of fuel is maintained in the second tank. If the level drops below 100 because of flamethrowers firing, a 1 second clock is started and the lasers are turned on while the clock is active. If the level drops below 100 units while the clock is active, the clock is reset, so that the lasers will stay on for one second after the last activation. One second after the last activation, the lasers turn off.

Let me know what you guys think and what I can improve.

Reddit post: ... r_turrets/
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